
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Cheap Black

 The temps stayed cold yesterday and we had flurries on and off through out the day.  I kept getting notifications that the snow was going to be ending soon over and over.  We had zero accumulation.  Today the temps are supposed to climb into the low 40s (F).  The same is true for tomorrow.  After that, our temps are supposed to take a deep dive for the (cough, cough) inauguration.

Business is the store was very slow yesterday.  That doesn't mean I didn't talk to people, though all I really did was answer questions.  No one has any interest in opening up their house at this time of year, especially since it's cold so far.  If we start warming up, that might change.  We have had polar vortices during the past 2 years, just like the one we're having now, but they were earlier in the season.  After that warm temps returned.  I'm hoping that happens again this year.  

My neighbors started to get loud last evening, so I got loud and for around 4 or 5 minutes I was very loud.  Honestly, I don't know if it bothers them that much.  Maybe I'm using the same tactic everyone of their previous neighbors used.  One thing I have noticed is that when the husband is home, things are much quieter.  It's only when he's working that she gets loud.  I usually only watch TV one night a week, it's not something I need.  I never watch any of the trendy shows, I just don't find them interesting.  And since I don't have cable, the number of series I watch is limited.

Howie is this big at 5 and a half months, easily over 50 pounds... and still a very playful pup.

While at work yesterday, one of my associates came to me and asked if I was working Monday.  I am.  I work every Monday.  She then told me that I should wear black, you know, as if I were going to a funeral.  So I told her that I don't own anything black, well I do have a pair of patched, faded black jeans, but that's it.  Being an earth tones kind of person, I'm not into black clothing.  The only reason I have that one pair of jeans is because they were on sale at Community Aid for $4.99.  So, I suppose you could say I do wear cheap black.

Of course, the only reason she wants me to wear black is because it is inauguration day.  It's supposed to be one of the coldest inaugurations in decades.  Not that they'll be cold on that stage.  You can bet that the Orange Anus will be trying to blow so much hot air and smoke up America's ass things will be quite toasty.


  1. Omg how big will Howie get?
    Thank goodness you have a house and a yard.
    I’m of course not watching The Felon’s shitshow. And I actually like the idea of wearing black LOL it’s gonna be freezing on Monday and I’m here for it. I hope Underwood gets a cold.
    And black jeans would look awesome with any earth tones, Dave…
    Just saying….



    1. Howie will get to at least 80 pounds. Sorry, I just don't like black, though if I do get desperate I can always get out the Tux that's tucked away in my closet.

  2. It's amazing how quick puppies grow isn't it.? They certainly are puppies long. And I'll plan the one watching any of the inauguration. That party left me cold ages ago.

    1. I'm glad I have pictures of that teeny weeny pup I brought home. I haven't watched anything Republican in decades.

  3. I'll be wearing black ... I love an all-black ensemble.
    And The Felon has moved his Ego Fest indoors because of the temperature.

    1. I've heard that the cold gave them a good excuse to hide the fact that attendance was going to be terrible.

    2. Perhaps a heavy snow storm will collapse the roof of Trumpy’s indoor Ego Fest, sort of like God’s will at work :)

    3. That would be nice, unfortunately, it's going to be held in the rotunda, which is just large enough to hold all of his special, billionaire guests.
