
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Bigger Stick

 Say hello to Thursday!  We're in for more sunny, fairly warm weather today.  Again the high is predicted to be in the 40s (F).  Yesterday, we cracked the 50 (F) degree mark.  Now how nice is that.  Since February begins on Saturday, I thought I'd post a reminder about the warm-up that always comes in the 2nd month of the year. It never fails.  During the past warm years, the temp has climbed into the low to mid 60s (F), this year, because this winter has been a tad colder, expect those warm days to easily hit the mid 50s (F).

Yesterday was odd in that I didn't do any sort of workout.  Except for taking Howie on a walk around the block, I pretty much sequestered myself inside.  I did look at my dumbbells for a bit, but left them lying on the floor.  My treadmill did not run.  My bike's tires did not spin.  There's lot of stuff going on inside my head about the new book.  This doesn't mean I celebrated the hours pretending to be a slug.  Chores were done.  Dirty laundry was washed.  I changed the filter on the dryer.  But for the most part, it was a meh day.

Evidently I'm part of a class-action lawsuit against Erie Insurance Group, that is if I sign, date, and mail back the forms.  If I do, I could get a check for between $25 and $500.  Thinking about it, I'll probably not return the authorization.  This is part of what's wrong with America, so many are continuing to litigate because so many of us think that we are owed, and I really don't want to be part of that "I'm going to make you pay," mentality.

This afternoon I get to go work.  This will be the last week I'm scheduled for 22 hours, from then on out it appears that I'll be working either 17 or 18 hours a week.  I can live with that.  As the weather warms up, I'm expecting to begin spending more time at Adams-Ricci.  

And yes, the sticks keep getting bigger.

Last evening a commercial jet liner collided with a military helicopter which evidently had it's transponder turned off, meaning that the controllers at JFK airport did not know it was in the air.  I've heard that this was a military transport with only 3 on board.  This means it had either dropped someone of some importance off, or was on it's way to pick someone up and it was being done... shall we say off the record.  That's the only reason it would not have been broadcasting it's position.

And Robert F Kennedy Jr was in the hot seat yesterday during his confirmation hearings to be Secretary of Health and Human Services.  He proved his incompetence by failing to answer so many questions.  Probably the most shocking was the fact that he tried to put distance between himself and his espousing the anti-vax community.  This man has made millions by speaking out and writing books about the evils of vaccines and then yesterday he said no, no, no, he never said that, or wrote that.  He betrayed everyone who ever believed he was speaking with some bit of authority.  I wonder how many people died because of him.


  1. Another Rethug saying “Don't believe your lying eyes.” What a despicable creature he is.

  2. To be fair, he was an avid heroin user for 14 years so his brain has turned to shiz.

  3. Howie!!
    And the whole Black Hawk helicopter and the plane business is super shady. I may go with your speculation. And a ton of talented sportspeople were in the plane. They died. Ugh.
    BTW, didn't Cheeto cut the number of people working there? You know, Twitter style?

    As for Kennedy? What a despicable, horrible little man. He'll probably get confirmed. I'll be pissed if the Dems don't vote against that.


  4. Could the helicopter have been used by Sarah Huckabee the huckster ?! She has it set up in Arkansas so that there are no audits of anything she spends or is involved in, like many other political denizens. If it was used by any government official they’ll cover it up or claim it was a coincidence. :(
    Rex in DC

  5. Love the photo. Looking forward to warmer weather and heading into a new month.
