
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, January 13, 2025

The Learning Lesson

 And... here we go!  Another week is upon us.  New week and my first load of laundry is already in the washer.  Outside, it is a cold 25 (F), though the temps are predict to rise into the mid 40s (F) today.  They got warm yesterday, though I don't know if the got that high.  Tonight they're supposed to drop back down into the cold zone.

My shift yesterday was different, shorter, earlier.  12-6  I liked it.  I may change my shift on Thursdays to reflect the same hours.  I like getting home earlier than 7:30.  I actually have things I can do in the evening other than watch TV or play games.

I did sell some flooring to a couple.  The large orange retailer I work for has this policy where if you want a product and we don't have a large enough quantity in the store, they tell you to which store you need to go to pick up your purchase.  They used to do store to store transfers, but that stopped about 10 years ago.  Now, if the quantity you want is available is somewhere else, you have to pay to have it shipped to your home.  Example:  if you want 51 cases of flooring and we have 13 in the store, and 40 at another store, you either have to drive to that other store, or you can pay $75 to have all 51 delivered to your front door.  Before, you could have all 51 delivered to the store and pick them up without the charge.  Sucks, don't it?

So, I sent some things to Christos about The Body in History since he has become my Greek advisor, so to speak.  His response:  "I'm on a tour in Vietnam and it is not downloading because the Wi-fi is spotty, will look at it when I get home."  That made me laugh because I've been to Vietnam.  

I asked my friend Jon yesterday if his church was taking donations to send to the fire victims in Los Angeles and he told me nothing had been said, so far.  So, I poked my brother with the question, he said he was going to bring it up at council meeting on Tuesday.  Maybe it's about Christians started showing their compassion.  I told him I had sent donations, there's nothing wrong with teaching them compassion with a little guilt.

This is what sleepy looks like.

Evidently Newty Gingrich is tell people that Orangey's immigration will fail if he follows through with them.  Of course, Newty doesn't have the pull he used to have with his party.  He's been replaced with Elonia, the white supremacist who grew in South Africa when apartheid was still going strong.  I did like that Newty said that if Orangey's plans include the separation of children from their mothers there will be blow back the OA will not be able to withstand.  The same is true with everyone of his cabinet choices.  They are all extremists and, or, billionaires, or both, who relish their hatred of America.  They are that whiny bunch that have always said, "if I ran the country, it would be different."  What these people have never understood is that nobody wants people like them running the country.  The next 2 years will be a terrible learning lesson for them, a lesson they are all going to fail.


  1. Sweet pup ! :)

    Newt the Grinch, we can all thank him for being part of that sick cabal that got us here with Trump !
    And now the Grinch is concerned about the optics of all these policies that he help champion, what a joke and a jerk. Wait until he finally finds out he is irrelevent.

    1. I don't doubt that history will look back on Newty poorly.

  2. Awww Howie!
    And I didn't know you had to go to the store that had the materials you needed to pick them up or they'd charge you! Whoa. Well, they must make money, so...
    And MANY of the policies that The Felon is going to try to implement are too costly/nightmares/effed up to even function. But the base LOVES them. I agree with you: both The Felon and his minions will learn a lesson. And hopefully his followers will learn that they've been conned. Again.


    1. One of the reasons they stopped inter-store transfers was because they said it cost them too much money, so make the customer do it. As far as flooring is concerned, it happens maybe once a year, the rest of the time customers end up going somewhere else.
