
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Social Conservative

 Well, as of 0400 we went into a snow warning and here it is 3.5 hours later and nary a flake is in sight.  A quick look at the weather radar map indicates that most of the precipitation is falling south of us and possibly, by 0930 we will have flurries.  The longer it takes for this to arrive, the less snow we're likely to get.  Crap.  And here I was thinking I'd wake up to a winter wonderland and right now all I'm wondering about is when the snow is finally going to land.  Supposedly, our heaviest snowfall will happen between 2 and 6 PM, when I'm at work... or was supposed to be at work.  

Yesterday was one of those meh days.  I had a zoom call scheduled for 3 in the afternoon with my Navy buddies.  Oddly enough, scheduling calls, or for that matter scheduling anything can easily throw off my day, mostly because it gives me a reason to procrastinate.  My reasoning is that I don't want to start something and then have to interrupt what I'm doing and thus I have a reason to do nothing but wait.

The call went well.  However, they're talking about getting together for a reunion somewhere in the middle of the country.  During that part of the conversation I was mostly quiet.  I enjoy the Zoom calls, it's nice to chat for an hour with men I've known for over 50 years, but spending one or two days with them?  We have all changed so much.

In spite of my procrastination yesterday, Howie had a busy a day.

So, I had an interesting text session with my brother yesterday.  He's 61, had been laid off from his job about 6 months ago.  About a month ago he was hired by New York Life.  Oh, and he works in IT, usually as part of a Help Desk team.  I asked him if he was concerned about the Orange Anus' flip on H-1B visas and... I kid you not, he didn't really know what I was talking about.  Being a social conservative he voted for Orangey, and like so many social conservatives can simply not comprehend that Orangey played his Evangelical base like a 2 bit whore.  I asked him about staffing at New York Life and he told me that about 70% were Indian and 15 % were Mexican.  I told him that he really needs to start paying attention to what's going on.  He simply does not understand, but I'm sure he does pray daily, probably more than once.

Update on the weather:  It is now snowing heavily, so I'm going to stay home and bake a loaf of bread.


  1. The Cult fucked around and now they're gonna find out ... and then blame the Democrats.

    1. I don't know if they'll actually get the chance to blame Democrats. As with the inauguration, I suspect the FO stage will happen so fast the only thing they're going to be thinking about are their own sorry asses.

  2. The paws on that pup!
