
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Trump's Approval set to Sink

 So, here it is Sunday and the outside temp is 25 (F) and we're headed up to the low 40s (F) today.  I can live that.  I don't mind snow, but after the first day or so it's no longer pretty to look at and thanks to the cold temps we've been having, this white stuff has been hanging around longer than needed.  Our future forecast has our daily highs all in the upper 30s (F) to mid 40s (F).  I'm fine with that, too.

After a bit of a difficult start, I did go to work yesterday.  I managed to hit my goal in measures, 3, even though foot traffic is the store was down.  That should keep management happy.  Our inventory is a week from Thursday, and so they want us to be busy working in the aisles, pulling product down from the overhead and restocking our shelves.  Because I'm a specialist and need to be free to work with customers, I can pretty much slough that off.  I'm fine with that.  There are playoff football games on TV today, so things should be slower than usual.

And the difficult thing I had to deal with yesterday before going to work was a dead battery in my car.  That heated my temper up slightly.  There are very few things that get me angry at my age, and a dead battery is not one of them.  Mostly, it was a terrible inconvenience.  What was most irritating was that it's only a little over a year old.  My neighbor across the street gave me a jump and I drove it to the dealership.  They gave me a loaner to use until Monday.  Even with the cold temps we've been having, that battery shouldn't have held a charge.  Anyway, here's pic of the loaner.  It's white.  I really do hate white cars.  

And did anybody catch our morally degenerated felon of a president rambling in California?  The man is a blithering idiot.  Who's in charge?  I have no freaking idea.  He's putting the Project 2025 plans in to play, but I suspect someone is telling what he needs to do, one of his sycophants no doubt; the same one who hands him Executive Orders and a Sharpie.

Many conservatives have this fascination with Putin and how he runs Russia.  To them, he is a great role model for running an authoritarian government.  Like I've said before, mostly what they want to do is shriek "Shut up!  We're in charge!"  What they don't understand is that Putin spent years playing the part of "Nice Vlad" to put himself in the position he is; his PR was constant.  Xi of China did the same thing.  Each one of those authoritarians had a majority of the population supporting them.  This is not the case with the Orange Anus.  He started this term with only a 49% approval rating.  For him to have even a moderately successful authoritarian presidency he needs to improve that bigly, however instead of concentrating raising his ratings he's doing what that minority group of conservatives want him to do, and that's shriek "Shut up!  I'm in Charge!"  Conservatives, instead of taking the time to make their hardline agenda more palatable are simply using Orangie to shove it down the throats of a majority of Americans.  No one every said they were smart.


  1. Of all people to get a white! LMAO!

    I also see where he got his wish to start re-naming landmarks or point of interests. Here we go.

    We're a hair from going over the brink and not returning. I've had the pleasure to say four times already..."You voted for him, now take your medicine." to people I know who voted for him and are now aware they were blundering idiots. And it's only week one.

    1. And that loaner is so ugly. And yes, you do have to remind those who voted for Trump that this is their fault.

  2. That battery should have lasted more than one year shouldn't it. When mine conked last year I realiized it was seven years old so it didn't owe me anything! Mind you, there's never a good time to have a flat battery is there. It's like running out of staples. You never know you've run out until you need them!

    1. I have a feeling they're going to tell me it's the alternator, or some other expensive part that needs to be fixed.

  3. Dead car batteries are just like Trump, a miserable inconvience.
    Trump wants to do everything bigly and will FAIL bigly.

    1. Yepper, those 6 bankruptcies of his were a pretty clear warning.
