
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, January 31, 2025

The DEI Scapegoats

 Well, it's Friday and the skies are overcast.  We've had the drizzles.  We can use the rain.  We had a bit of snow a while back, but a half foot of snow is equivalent to about a quarter of an inch of rain.  The long term forecast has things warming up.  People down south will think that summer has arrived.  They don't understand how hot things will be for them this summer.

Yesterday was a very slow day at work.  Basically, nothing happened.  I did my laps, got my steps in, and watched the shit show on Social Media.  We have inventory next week so most people are focused on that.  Not me.  Though, for the first time in years I'll be scheduled to work on inventory day.  Back when I was involved the process was stressful, management needed to stay until the first inventory figures came back from Atlanta.  This meant a 14 or 15 hour day.  Now, the whole process is complete in about 5 hours, and no one has to wait.  

And I'm playing Skyrim right now.  I've played it many times before.  Skyrim is the Bethesda game that changed the rules on what a Role Playing Game was about.  To give you an idea how popular the game is, it was released in 2011 and is still in the top 10 games being played on PC and console.  If you want to see every aspect of the game, do every quest, go to every cave, dungeon, town, and city, expect to spend at least 235 hours.  

And Trump, the Orange Anus, tried scapegoating minorities yesterday in regard to the air crash that happened in the skies over Washington.  He is the embodiment of Evil.  One thing that made me glad was reporters giving him pushback on his lies.  One reporter named Alexander tried to pin him down, asked for specifics, and that pissed off Orangie from here to Hell and back.  As a result, he signed an executive order placing blame for this crash and for all future crashes on Biden and his push for diversity.  The Washington Post, which has been so catering to him, pointed out that in his first administration he left all hiring standards in place.  This man is spineless.  He will always place the blame on others rather than take any responsibility.  While his MAGA cultists may have approved this, a large majority of Americans found his actions disgusting. 

Adding insult to injury, the new Secretary of Transportation, some reality contestant named Duffy actually said, "It is not standard for aircraft to crash into each other."  Yes, this man is really this stupid, but he is a Trump loyalist and that all that matters to the Orange Anus.


  1. Oh, that despicable orange man baby.
    As if signing an executive order would change the fact that Elmo had the head of FAA fired and then Cheeto had a cleanup of non loyalists in the agency. Ugh.
    He’s a disgrace. DEI is gonna be a cover for so much, though.



    1. He is going to attempt destroy the US under the guise of DEI, his problem is that except for the cultists, more and more Americans are getting fed up with his nonsense.

  2. My God I can remember my early days of retail when larger stores like department stores would be completely closed when it's where he was done or they'd have very late afternoon openings a couple days in a row. How times changed. When I worked at Bloomingdale's we had a company that came in and did it for us.

    1. We use a company called RGIS, however we need to provide observers. In the 16 years I've been there, we've never closed, or even opened late for inventory, that would cause us to lose a sale or two.

  3. "It is not standard for aircraft to crash into each other."
    Um, yeah, that's the problem dipshit.

    1. I understand that press conference went off the rails shortly after that. They will all go off the rails.
