
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Red Sky in Morning

 We have a red, red sky this morning.  Supposedly there is light snow falling... there isn't, though forecasters are predicting some for later this afternoon, but only flurries.  The temps are predicted to pop above freezing tomorrow, but only briefly.  After that they will be dropping down for at least another week.

Yesterday was a pretty decent day as far as getting things done.  I made some beef jerky.  Some of it's okay, some is... well...  I wanted to try my hand at dehydrating beef but didn't want to spend an exorbitant amount at my neighborhood Giant supermarket, so I bought clearance beef.  These were good cuts for cheap.  A learning experience occurred.  You need to loose lean beef when making jerky.  All that tasty marbling which adds flavor to your steak, or pot roast?  That's fat and fat doesn't dehydrate.  Nope.  Fat melts.  So I have 2 bags of jerky.  One consisting of lean pieces, and one that got very dry, except for the fatty parts.  I used a garlicky marinade, so both types are quite delicious, it's just that one needs to stay refrigerated.  It will get eaten first.

I also got a decent leg workout in yesterday, you know?  The hated squats and lunges.  

I also get to work today.  As I've said early, we're heading into inventory, so they may want me to do some physical labor.  We'll see how much I really do.

Here's a pic of the sunrise.

Yesterday Frankie Graham said the fires in Los Angeles are probably not God's Judgement on the state.  This surprised me.  Frankie's been an avid supporter of the Moral Degenerate soon to be in the White House.  He has asked people to pray for the Orange Anus.  Claiming that the fires probably were judgement would have helped Orangey with his divisive tactics, so I'm wondering if there might be some small, unspoken rift developing between Orangey and his Evangelical base.  He no longer needs their votes, and he's never once admitted to even believing in God.  Could it be that Frankie's realizing that Orangey has no intentions of making this a Christian country?  None of the wannabe Oligarchs has ever exhibited any true religious sentiment... well, Elonia seems to be favoring Aryanism and that has it's own god network.  One thing we all need to keep in mind is that Orangey will do anything to curry favor from those who are much richer than he is, and that's a bad thing.



  1. When I get up and my alarm goes off my phone reflects the weather and showed snowflakes falling. Still waiting....

    And is Frankie Graham still babbling? He should join his father.

    1. I thought you knew, Frankie is a big Trumper!

  2. If Graham is seeing how wrong he was, I don't give a fuck.
    When you hitch your wagon to a serial adulterer, racist, rapist, con man, don't cry about it later.

  3. Oh, President Musk is a Nazi sympathizer? Color me very unsurprised.
    And Graham is still alive? I though he had died before (yay!) Pat Robertson!

    Love the colors in that pic!!!


    1. I thought you knew about Musk, his pushing the far right in Europe is getting him into trouble.

  4. Frankie doesn’t want his own house to burst into flames.

  5. Graham is only saying that it’s not God’s judgement because the fires have effected either members of his own family, his friends or his followers. Otherwise he would say it was God’s judgement just like hypocrite Pat Robertson would say if he were alive.

    1. In total agreement, Frankie doesn't have a sincere bone in his body!

  6. You know what they say about red sky at morning don't you - shepherd's warning!

    1. It flurried all day without any accumulation, so I don't know what we were being warned about.
