
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy Wednesday!

 Golly Gee Whiz!  Can you believe it?  Another year has come and gone!  The weather outside is decent for January 1.  The temp is 42 (F).  That's not bad.  The bottom  is going to fall out this coming week and things will freeze over.  That means I'll have to act fast when Howie does his outside business, otherwise it will freeze to the ground until the next thaw.

Yesterday was good, for the most part.  Lots of chores were done around the house.  Several loads of laundry were done.  The living room aquarium was cleaned.  I took Howie for a walk, he loves that.  I made soup out of some sort of mystery broth I had in the freezer, using up both extra ham and turkey.  The neighbors were loud for a bit, but around nine last night they turned the volume down.  I did stay up until midnight, not because I wanted to welcome in the new year, though.  I watched the last 3 episodes of Dr. Who on Disney +.  I'm sure it's why so many conservatives hate Disney, the series is definitely "woke," as they say.  

And it is now my sad duty to inform you that Howie's Christmas present, Bunny Crinkle-Ears has met his tragic demise.  He squeaked his last at 7:37 last evening.  He survived for a week.  Had I known he was much more stuffing than crinkle, I would have passed.

And, of course, last night at a mini pre New Year's Eve presser, the Orange Anus said he was all for bringing more trained H-1B immigrants into the country in order to layoff American laborers whom Corporations deem way to expensive...  I have to admit, that last bit was mine, but it is the reason both he and Elonia are rooting for this incredible increase in H-1B tech workers.  In fact, it's not just tech workers.  As someone else said, everyone of his properties in the US employs cheap immigrant labor rather than Americans.  Selfishness and Greed will destroy the American economy, and these inexpensive, indentured employees are just the beginning.


  1. So cheaper groceries? Not happening.
    Running off all immigrants? Not happening.
    Making America Great Again? Never gonna happen.

    1. I suspect this is the most honest he's been in his entire life, unfortunately for Republicans, his cultists want the lies.

  2. Republicans, their avarice and greed has always harmed the US economy.
    From Pres Grant with the panic of 1869 and the first depression of 1873, to Pres Harding and Tea Pot Dome scandal of 1921, to Pres Hoover and the crash of 1929 and the Great Depression, to the voodoo-nomics of Pres Reagan in the 1980’s. And they’re supposed to be the ones who are so financially responsible, when they are the ones who have always been financially reckless. And so it goes into another headlong debacle of economic chaos that Republicans cling to. :\

    1. This is because they've always believed that Greed was the answer.

  3. He had to say all that to get in office !
    Trump has to repair all the long term damage done by the democrats and that will require Trump to have more terms in office !
    All according to my maga relations. :\

    1. A year from now and he'll be hated... again.

  4. That's one guilty looking puppy, for sure!
