
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Ham Loaf

 Once again, the forecasters missed the mark on high temps yesterday... sort of.  They did say low to mid 30s (F), and they were right about the low part.  We hit a high of 31 (F).  So, is that low enough?  And we had snow over night.  They're prediction for this afternoon?  Like a broken record, with a bad skip, they're telling us we should hit the mid 30s (F).  Tomorrow, however, our temps are supposed to climb into the 40s (F).  Guess it's time to dig out the Bermuda Shorts.

I did get a nice little leg workout in yesterday.  And cleaned downstairs.  I've also been moving some furniture around, end tables, lights, nothing big, nothing you night think of as a redecoration.  These changes are not because I have this inner urging for something different, rather they're because Howie's balls sometimes roll either behind or under and I spend to much time on my hands and knees reaching either around or beneath in order to continue playing.  

I also get to go to work today.  I had 2 measures last week, it will be interesting to see if any of them have sold.  January and February are the slow times, more so this year since it's colder than the past 3.  No one wants to have installers tramping in and out of their house when the temp is 31 (F) outside.  If you're heating with oil that can add mucho buckos to your heating bill and we're all paying too much already to those billionaire leeches that own big oil and gas.

I made a small ham loaf for dinner last evening.  What's a ham loaf you ask?  Well, it's a meat loaf that's made with ground ham instead of ground beef.  The ham is left over from Christmas.  I froze the left overs for just this sort of thing.  I top it with Swiss cheese.  Believe me, it's quite tasty.

I read that supposedly hard right Republicans are upset with Elon Musk, saying his agenda is different from the goals they're aiming for.  That might be true, and it might not.  Like the Orange Anus, they do love their billionaire leaders.  But you also need to take into account that more and more countries are giving Elonia grief.  This is a good thing.  The last thing the world needs is to be run by selfish, self-centered billionaires.  It will be interesting to see how the Religious right deals with them, because the last I heard, Zuck, thanks to his Asian wife, was pretty much of a Buddhist, and Elonia seems to be drunk with Arianism (Nazi religion), and the Orange Anus worships himself.  I wonder when the Evangelicals who voted for Orangey are going to start realizing this, and when they do, will they protest.  I don't think they understand yet how rough this crowd is going to be on Christianity. 



  1. There are very few true Christians in politics; most are just Show Christians like Little Mike Johnson.

    1. And they're all trying to win the prize as "Best in Show."

  2. We take left over ham, some chopped up vegetables and add them to mac n’ cheese.
    Those right wing evangelicals who dance with the devil, they’ll soon find Trump, Elon and Zuck won’t dance to their x-tian tune. -Rj

    1. You're so right! Even when it doesn't happen, they cling to him like dingleberries.

  3. The ham loaf looks good!!!!!! I am spending the day taking the Christmas trimmings down, with a good deep clean, then making a French Poach Fish À la nage for dinner. I love the taste of the parsnips, tarragon and parsley with it.

    1. It was quite tasty. I've never heard of that fish dish, take pictures.
