
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Art of the Failed Deal

 Skies are overcast here in Central PA.  We may have showers... we may not, precipitation prospects are iffy.  Temps might climb into the mid 50s (F), which will be nice.  Looking at the long range forecast, it seems that are daily high temperatures have upgraded themselves into the upper 40s (F) and low to mid 50s (F). so I'm thinking Spring is meandering our way.

Work was interesting.  I had changed my availability reducing my hours and was politely asked to work more hours, so I increased them by 2 hours.  Certainly this has nothing to do with my performance, but rather has more to do with the fact I'm capable of working in multiple departments.  Other part-timers who don't share this talent will most likely loose hours, and losing hours is no doubt on the way.  We did not make our plan last week, in fact, we missed it by over $100,000.  When I left last evening at 7 the store was only halfway to hitting daily budget.  Ouch.  

My neighbors were loud last evening, so I cranked up the TV.  This morning, I'm going to set up the sound bar again.  I can always beat them on volume.

A potato rolled off the counter yesterday and the minute it hit the floor Howie swooped it up.  He's 7 months old today, so when I do my shopping at Giant, I'll pick him up something special.  I know it's difficult to see, but here he is with the potato.  For those of you who are curious, he's around 60 pounds right now.

And for those of you who haven't been paying attention, the tariffs that the Orange Anus promised kicked in last night.  How will Wall Street react?  Ever since Orangie was sworn in, the Dow has been on a slow but constant decline.  It looses, gains a bit back, and then loses more.  I own neither stocks nor bonds, so I'm not concerned.  When you hit a certain age, you need to cash in your 401K and I hit that age a short time ago, though to be honest, I cashed in my 401K and my IRAs when I hit the age where I could no longer be penalized.  If you are in any type of retirement program, I would be concerned.

The reason Orangie's pulling the tariff crap is because he believes that he epitomizes the ideal businessman.  For him, everything is a deal.  This deceit is so deeply imbued into his psyche he paid a ghostwriter to pen the book "The Art of the Deal," which is ironic when you look at his business failures.  Anyway, he's attempting to strongarm every nation, except Russia, into admitting that he is the exemplary businessman.  Unfortunately, he has accumulated quite a number of business fiascos which mottle and speckle his resume thicker than the rash of measles on an unvaxed Texas child.  Like that spreading Texan epidemic, expect the jitters of Wall Street to continue like so many tremors preceding an earthquake.  Deaths will be racked up, fortunes will fail, and the only sure thing you will be able to count on is Orangie screaming, "it's Biden's fault."


  1. He's doing everything he can except what he promised.
    MAGA will be paying more for less and they'll still worship their idol.

    1. The only promise he will try and keep is the tax break... to himself.

  2. LOL @ Howie. Get it, Howie!
    And yes, the great businessman. I am in a retirement program and I AM concerned. I'm not even close to retiring, so this fuckery is gonna affect me (and millions more!).
    I can't wait when Mexico and Canada trigger THEIR tariffs. I'm gonna go on a liquid diet, I guess....


    1. Howie says "thanks." And the tariffs are kicking in, and Orangie, as most bad poker players do, saw and raised.

  3. So sorry, but we have to give back. We will all suffer for absolutely no reason. His deals are always bad, only in his own brain are they good. The tariffs will hurt the maga arses but . Elbows up,eh? Gigi

  4. Trumps been played, Putin knows about the “art of the deal” better than Trump.
    And strange how all these anti-Russian Repugs have flipped flopped for Putin against Zelenskyy. That southern fried senatrice Miss Lindsey Graham is just one of many pathetic examples. And already the stock market is down because of the Trump tariffs, the economy is going to take a big hit when other countries impose tariffs on us in response to the stupidity of Trump and company. Get ready for the big fail and fall.

    1. There has never been any art in his deal, he's a terrible negotiator who thinks playing the strongman will make everyone else cave. That is not going to happen.

  5. Howie sure doesn't miss a trick! That picture is too funny.

  6. The big fail and fall like Trump’s casinos, airline and university. Wait until his corporate shills take a hit from his tariffs, they’ll rue the day they supported him. Keep in mind Canada is ranked 9th in the world economically and Mexico is ranked 12th, Russia with more people is ranked 11th. Both countries consume 3x more goods than Russia, if Trump and his shills think Russia is going to fill that loss of trade they better think again.
    Rex in DC

    1. You forgot to mention that most of Russia is a Third World Nation. Many Americans think it's the same as the United States... and baby, that country ain't even close.

  7. When did Howie get so big???? Oh that would probably be when he started stealing spuds!

    1. He doesn't seem to be that big to me, however he has no problem standing with both paws on the kitchen counter, so I guess he is.
