
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, March 10, 2025

The Naked Tennis Ball

 Monday, Our temps are predicted to climb into the mid 60s (F), and it suddenly feels like Spring.  If the forecasters are correct, we'll be hitting 70 (F) tomorrow and many will believe that summer is in the air, and it will be for one day.  On Wednesday, temps are expected to slide down into what is considered seasonably normal territory.  

I arrived at work a little late yesterday because for some odd reason my mind decided that my start time, 0930, was the time I should leave the house.  Of course, half way there I realized my faux pas and decided the best thing to do was shrug it off.  I have no problem doing that.  Foot traffic was on and off, customers wandering through, asking questions, and the wandering off to some other department.  We did our sales plan, but only because a big installation was sold in millwork, probably an entire house of windows and doors.  While that dollar amount was enough to get us over the profit line yesterday, it wasn't near enough to save the week.  

One thing that was nice yesterday, was getting home while the sun was still shining.  I left Howie out, got his dinner ready, and went to the back door to let him in.  Usually, being the hungry puppy that he is, he's waiting.  Last evening, he wasn't, so I went out to check on him and found him standing out front staring down at a dead female cardinal.  It was a bit sad.  I have lots of cardinals in the trees around the house and this was the first time I've ever found a dead one.  In fact, this is probably only the 3rd or 4th time since I've lived here that I've found a dead bird.

Howie did chew the yellow fur off a tennis ball yesterday.  Now you know that a naked tennis ball looks a lot like a plum.

I understand that Twitter was down, or at least certain parts of it.  Elonia looks like he's proving that not only can't he successfully fire a rocket into a low altitude orbit, he's also finding it difficult to maintain a right wing social media platform.

Because I did work yesterday, I didn't pay too much attention to what lies were falling out of Orangie's mouth, though without a doubt, I felt certain they were dropping faster than lead turds.

I think he posted some sort of attack on Poland... possibly?  I'm seeing stuff about that.  If so, it's because his blow bro Vlad is pissed off that the country is aligning itself deeper with the European Union.  I did say where his toy country Hungary is no long allowed to vote with EU, mainly because it's his toy country and they don't no "stinkin' Russian toadies" vote against their own better good.

Also, from what I'm seeing, Orangie's need to drop lead turds from his mouth is exacerbating the chaos in his administration.  Everyone's talking about the cat fight between Elonia and Little Marco.  That must have been one loud hissy spat.  Don't worry, it will get much worse.

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