
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025


 Good morning, world.  Here in Central PA the temps are predicted to hit 72 (F).  If we do, we'll be breaking a record.  To have such warm temperatures this early in the year might not bode well for the coming summer months.  But... Fear Not.  Our very unesteemed administration has decided to proclaim that climate change is beneficial.  There.  Now doesn't that fix everything?  Anyway, temps will be falling back into the normal range overnight, with tomorrow's high rising into the mid 50s (F)

Even though I signed up a customer for a window treatment lead, yesterday was slow in the home improvement retail arena.  Looking at the clientele shopping our aisles yesterday, and stopping the flooring desk to set up a measure, I can say the fell into one of two categories:  Supporters who have their radios tuned to Newsmax, or Asians who aren't paying too much attention to what's happening on Wall Street.  The former made up the majority of our customers.  They will also be the loudest to complain.

And, as was reported by many media outlets yesterday, Zitter was down, but for the most part, only in America.  Elonia lied and blamed Ukraine, so I'm suspected Orangie's blow bro Vlad is not too happy right now.  Anyway, Elonia did go on TV and talk to Sean Hannity (I believe), a very sympathetic billionaire.  That's right, he threw himself a pity party and whined that they found IP addresses that were located in... you guessed it, Russian held areas of the Ukraine.  Firstly, anyone individual, group, or country capable of hacking into Zitter is smart enough to know you don't leave your IP addresses as evidence.  And then this mysteriously appeared.

Here's another fun fact:  Poland, which holds the contract for Starlink used in the Ukraine, is going to tax tech companies.  America's ambassador to Poland, some dude named Tommy Rose, told the Poles that Orangie was going to retaliate.  The Poles told him to drop his pearls.  It also looks like they're planning on dropping their contract with Starlink and shift to a different platform.  Another ouchy for Elonia.

And the stock market did tank yesterday.  Most likely there will be some sort of recovery today, but don't count on it gaining back the entire 890 points it lost.  Another interesting point is that while the Dow dropped, the European markets, while also falling, had a much better day.  It's almost as if investors are thinking they may move their money elsewhere.



  1. Now, NOW, The Felon is saying he expects a recession after promising to fix and unbroken economy.
    Fucking MAGAts whining about it but y'all picked him.

    1. He and his other billionaire bros think they can survive it, however, they can't mentally deal with the sort of financial loss they will suffer.

  2. Oh, the stock marked did take a plunge. So did the Swasticar's stock. Good. They only understand the language of money and that's the language being spoken right now.

    Cheeto is effing up all of America's goodwill with other nations. But MAGA, right?

    And I did read about Twitter being down. LOL and Muskow throw himself a pity party? LMAOOO.


    1. Sadly, Trump's going to keep screwing Wall Street because now everybody in the world knows how to play him.
