
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Decent into Dementia

 Saturday.  Temps are middlin' and we have wind.  We have a lot of wind, in fact we're under a wind warning.  This means that things blow around.  I've seen visual proof:  as I was letting Howie in, one of my neighbor's cardboard Coca Cola boxes blew over into my yard.  This happens frequently because, rather than put them in their garbage can, she simply throws them out the backdoor.  She does the same thing with bags of garbage.  Does she do this because she's lazy?  Possibly.  They also drop their beverage containers and soft drink cans outside their car instead of bringing them in the house and throwing them away.  That's means they blow around the neighborhood.  Maybe they don't know better, or, as I'm suspecting, they're just not that smart.

I do get to go to work today.  I look at it this way: it's an easy way to make spending money.  I also use those paychecks to pay for groceries, as well as cover my utility expenses.  

Howie chewed out the large rubber ball that was in his Wubba.  He's excited.  It squeaks loudly.  He will probably never touch the rest of that toy again.  This is how it goes.  

And I did spend yesterday working on the edits I have for The Body in History.  For those of you interested, this is what it looks like.  I'm actually working on 3 edits simultaneously, though you can only see one individual's name.  It's not as complicated as it looks since corrections and suggestions are highlighted in different colors.

Has everybody noticed how frequently the Orange Anus is managing to get his mug on TV?  While we're suffering though his little lie fests daily, like we did during Covid, there are way too many of them.  This is his ego, his need to make himself seem important.  There is absolutely no need for him to do this, however, if there is one smidgen of a shining spot, it's that his lies are so easily fact checked, something even some mainstream media platforms are beginning to do with the same frequency.  While we all know that his failing facilities tell him this saturation is good, especially since he believes his ratings are the best ratings known in the history of man, he is actually publicly detailing his decent into dementia.  Even though Republicans know these appearances endear him to his cult, I'm sure they also realized that very soon, he will be admitting how big of a traitor he is to both democracy and the United States.  They understand that he is too late to be edited, which is why they're moving as fast as they are before the bottom crashes out.  


  1. His syphilic addled brain is getting worse every day

    1. I don't know if it's syphilis, or too many Big Macs, but his brains is shedding brain cells faster than you can blink an eye.

  2. It’s a real-time documentary…the self destruction of a narcissistic loser.
