
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

The Unblessing

 Here it is Sunday morning and outside the temperature is a brisk 32 (F).  Today's supposed to be cool (for Spring), with a high around 50 (F).  I work, so it really doesn't bother me.

And, since I have to be at work early, this entry will be brief.  I did change my schedule.  While I still will be working Sundays, I've put my start time later in the morning.  

Yesterday was quiet next door.  That was nice.  When I did go to work, the first think I did was set up a meeting for indoor shutters.  Only 2 windows, but the customer has already had 2 sets installed previously, so unless she has a drastic change of mind, this will be a sale.

Other wise, business was slow.  The store is probably not going to hit its goal this week.  That's life.  We should be getting our bonus checks next week.  Since I've been part-time mine hasn't been that big, I'm suspecting this check might be a bit smaller.

Steve Schmidt, a conservative anti-Trumper posed this on his substack.  This is 91 year old Chuck Grassley not answering the question of one of his constituents.  Chuckie should have been retired a long time ago.  Why did Iowans continue to elect hi?  Nostalgia, possibly.

And I'm pleased to say that the Cumberland Country Tesla dealership had to deal with protesters.  It is some what out in the boondocks, so the fact that they got so many people was really a pleasant surprise.  Even more surprising, was that the protest made it on a number of the local news channels.  I'm certain that made other Republican representatives in the area cringe.  Representatives like Greg Rothman, who has held a townhall.  Rexy sent out a brochure telling his constituents that he felt "blessed" to serve them.  I don't think Rexy understands that voters elected him, not God, and right now he's siding with the Orange Anus, and unless he changes his tune quickly those same voters are going to fire him.  I guess he'd have to call that an unblessing... or possibly a curse.


  1. I'd like to give Grassley props for at least showing up but his response of journalists not covering him is bulkl shit.
    Or better yet GTFO!

    1. Sadly, they haven't been doing their jobs for years.

  2. Grassley only serves himself and Iowans seem to love it as he pisses on them.
    Rex in DC

    1. At 91, his life of failure is catching up to him.

  3. If all this bullshit doesn't wake people up and vote them out. They get what they deserve. And Chuck Grassley is a walking corpse at this point. He didn't answer because he probably can't hear shit, but more than likely just plain ignorant.

    1. Believe me, they are waking up and they are furious.
