
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Nothing Spells Irrational like MAGA

 When I got up this morning, the outside temp was 54 (F), and the forecast is calling for showers and thunderstorms this afternoon,  After they pass through, temps are predicted to drop a bit, with the high tomorrow in the low to mid 50s (F), the same as we had yesterday.  These are the same storms that passed through Mississippi yesterday.  Will we get tornadoes, too?  So far they're not in the forecast, but then forecasts are not for their accuracy.

I worked yesterday.  Business was middlin,' meaning we had customers in the store until around 3 PM and then things slowed down.  The weather forecast for today hints that business is going to be slow, of course, you never know.  There are always certain individuals whose minds fall to comprehend that during severe weather there a better, and safer, things to do than go to a home improvement store.  Yet they will show up when the scent of ozone is high, with bolts of lightning slamming into the ground a hundred yards away, and expect to have 5 bags of mulch loaded into the back of their SUV.  Sometimes, they will even be wearing a little, red cap because nothing spells irrational like MAGA.

For those interested, Howie's hip measures 21.5 inches off the floor, that's over 54 centimeters.  I tried to measure him at his shoulder but he thought the measuring tape was some sort of new fangled toy.

There was a protest in Harrisburg yesterday, unfortunately, I worked.  As far as I know, there's been nothing at the Tesla dealership, though that's located on a stretch of road heading towards Carlisle, PA, and there's nothing around it except other car dealerships.  Protests do their best when they draw attention.  Standing in front of the Capitol building  will get people on the local news.  Standing along a highway isn't going to get the same amount of attention.

And Chuck Schumer has a book tour starting tomorrow.  Protests are planned.  Personally, I think Congressmen and Senators should not be allowed to have a book published while their in office.  They are in Washington to serve their constituents, not stroke their ego, or grow their bank accounts hawking some sort of political book they've written.  It takes time to write a book, I know, time they should be spending dealing with the Orange Anus, figuring out ways to control him.  There are about 16 cities on Schumer's book tour.  Protests are planned for each and every city.  Good.  He needs to do his damn job and leave the irrational behavior to the Cultists.


  1. Schumer deserves to be protested.

  2. Your post title says everything one needs to know. That and the picture, that Trump looks like he might need a bra
