
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Trump's told to Pound Sand

 It rained yesterday.  All day.  Steadily soaking into the ground, giving Howie the opportunity of digging deep.  The temps stayed in the mid 50s (F), cooling off only a bit.  Now they're in the mid 40s (F) where, if the forecasters are correct, they will sit for most of the day.

Yesterday was again one of those meh days.  I'm blaming the rain.  Chores were planned and ignored.  One thing I've done is cut back on my trips to my Giant supermarket.  I found I was driving there every other day.  Such frequency means that I end up spending money on things I don't need, sometimes on things like cake and ice cream.  

I did spend time working on the musical code for The Body in 4/4 Time.  It has been a long time since I wrote down music.  The initial code is written, now I've got to add all the flourishes needed to create the intro to a song that will never be finished.  Right now I have 16 measures written, and, as you all might expect, they're all in 4/4 time.  I may add a couple of sharps and flats to complicate things a bit.  
And I'm thinking of adding a visual to the book so reader can see and possibly trying and decode the message.

Dinner was pulled pork, which is funny.  When I was growing up, my mom would make the same thing except back than we called it pork barbeque.  She also made beef barbeque with ground beef.  Of course, barbeque means something different now, too.

And now English is the official language of the United States.  It was always the official language, but now it's officially official.  Orangie signed this Executive Order because so many of his base hate foreign languages, especially Spanish.  I wonder when one of his base is going to go to Lancaster Country, PA, and tell all of those Amish who have been speaking Pennsylvania German for centuries that now they need to speak American English.

For those who missed it, Orangie blew a fuse yesterday. Here is one of several posts he made to Truth Social.  

Now his cultists are as burning mad as Orangie.  What could bring on his unmitigated ire?  Tariffs.  You see Orangie, in his attempt to prove to the world that he's a great business man and negotiator, a man who is so successful at the "art of the deal," initiated 25% tariffs on products from Canada, Mexico, and China, with other tariffs to come).  Naturally, Canada, Mexico, and China retaliated with 25% tariffs against American goods and Wall Street reacted badly.  One of his sycophants to Orangie this was crushing his rep, so so he tried to staunch the flow of bleeding in the stock market by making Trudeau an offer:  we will remove our tariffs on the automotive industry if you totally remove your retaliatory tariffs.  Instead of caving, as Orangie expected, Trudeau told him to pound sand.  One of the comments I saw was, "we're not going to go through this bullshit every month."  This is a blatant failure of Orangie's policies.  To top it off, he's getting the same blowback of Mexico and China.  Brace yourselves, things are going to get worse.

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