
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Mickey 17

 Well, so far Wednesday's weather is nice.  Temps are in the lower 40s (F) and, if the forecasters are correct, they should climb into the mid 50s (F).  That's seasonal for us.  Too many warm days might not bode well for summer.  We Central Pennsylvanians want warm temps (except for Maddie) not steamy hot temps.

Yesterday was a good one.  Much was accomplished.  I nice upper body workout which felt good.  Howie and I played fetch with Sveg the hard rubber hedgehog out in the backyard.  Most importantly, he and I went up to Adams-Ricci for a mile long walk.  The temps were great.  I wore shorts for the first time this year.  How many people I blinded with my glow in the dark white legs is relatively unimportant since he and I both had fun.  

Really important, I sent the final check for my windows yesterday and that loan is complete.  I really hate loans.  I could have pulled the money from my savings, but instead chose to use my month Social Security checks, and so signed up for to borrow money and regretted doing so the instant I signed the loan document.  In my mind, most lenders are crooked to some degree.

Last evening, I went to see Mickey 17, the latest from Bong Joon-Ho, the Oscar winning director of Parasite.  I liked it so much.  It's raking in bucks at the box office, mostly because, as with the other films by this director, it's a thinker, meaning there is depth here, that's right, you have to use more than 2 brain cells.  Robert Pattinson plays an Expendable named Mickey, a person who agrees to sacrifice himself to make life safer for colonists on a new planet.  This means he dies a lot, which isn't a problem since they just reprint a new Mickey and upload his memories.  We start off meeting Mickey 17, and then something happens and we have Mickey 18.  Multiples are bad.  They are different, and that's what makes this movie fascinating:  we're seeing to different aspects of the same personality.  And, if you're like me, you start thinking about people, and personalities, and how people can change.  Mickey 17 is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time.

And, I know this might sound silly, but are tariffs on today, or are they paused.  I know Europe started retaliatory tariffs, but has the Moral Degenerate caved like he has in the past?  We know it's going to happen.  I did see where they're saying that inflation "slightly eased."  I guess that means that some prices drop a smidgen of a percentage, not something you can boast about, otherwise Orangie's administration would be trumpeting it from the the Front Lawn of the White House, the same way Orangie played car dealer yesterday.  Let's be honest, how embarrassing for one of the greatest countries in the world, to have a president who also hawks cars.

I haven't had a chance to check the Dow today, but I just get a news flash that says Canada is going to initiate another $20 billion in retaliatory tariffs.  I do hope those Wall Street Hawks are loving this.

And I did see that another member of Tesla's board of directors signed the paperwork to dump a ton of shares because he knows that stock hasn't hit rock bottom.  The timer is ticking.

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