
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

This is Not Normal

 Okay, so our outside temp is 43 (F) and the forecast is for partly sunny skies this afternoon.  Yesterday's weather was pretty spot on to what had been predicted, so I'm guessing today's going to be a repeat, though only a bit warmer.

Sor some reason, yesterday was almost a meh kind of day.  I didn't seem to have much of a desire to do anything, though things were accomplished.  No workout, but the aquarium in the living room was cleaned, and I hung to old shutters on the front fence to protect the grape vine I planted last year.  This necessary since Howie loves to chew on both sticks, and vines, and even roots.  The shutters do not help with the curb appeal, but they do the job.  I'm more interested in functionality rather than impressing those few who walk by with their dogs.

One thing I did yesterday was thin out my oregano seedlings.  I had quite a few old glass candle holders sitting on a shelf down in the basement and decided to repurpose them as planters.  I'm hoping to keep one or two plants per glass.  They should look quite nice on the window sill once they're fully grown, and harvesting fresh oregano will be so easy.

And, for those of you who haven't been paying attention, Chuck Schumer and 8 other Democrats caved yesterday, voting to legitimize the Orange Anus's budget.  Chuck's excuse was that Orangie was already doing dirty deeds to as many Federal agencies as possible, and shutting down the government would not stop him.  So, instead of putting up roadblocks, Chuck legitimized Orangie's destruction.  Obviously, Chuck thinks he's dealing with "business, as usual," even though absolutely nothing is usual about what Orangie is doing.  Chuck in in his 70s, and has just made term limitations more relevant.  I get this feeling that Chuck doesn't want to upset the apple cart, when history has shown that Orangie is weak, and tends to fall apart when he has to deal with pushback.  Someone needs to pull Chuck aside and tell him to resign, the same way he did with Biden.  Chuck simply doesn't understand that this is not normal.


  1. Chuck's "excuse" was the lamest ass piece of shiz I have ever heard.
    I gave the guy a gun because he was gonna rob the store anyway.
    Time for Chuck and the other ass fuckmonkeys to be primaried.

    1. In total agreement. Total failure. There's no fight in him, and he makes us look bad.

  2. I do think Democrats are digging a deeper hole, and I don't think midterms are going to be rosy either.

    Meanwhile, "I didn't seem to have much of a desire to do anything" sums up March every year. It's one of those humdrum months. I did however do a garden cleanup today. Now all is ready for some tanbark next month.

    1. The Dems are going to surprise you. And I'm surprised you didn't go to the protest in Harrisburg today, hundreds of people showed up.
