
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, June 17, 2024


 Happy Heat Dome Week to everybody on the Eastern Seaboard!  For those who are about to Cook, I salute you!  That's a paraphrase of an old A/C / DC hit, for those who don't know.  The temp this morning was an mild 71 (F) when I rolled out of bed.  We're in for a stretch of 90 (F) days.  I'm prepped for the heat wave.  For those working outside this week, remember to hydrate.  Oh, wait, let me amend that since the moronic Governor of Florida, Ronnie D., signed legislation removing legally required water breaks for those working in the summer heat.  So, except for those laborers in Florida, please remember to hydrate responsibly.  

And I did work yesterday.  Father's Day.  All those who identify as male got a Father's Day snack.  I ate mine when I worked on Saturday.  It was a nice gesture.  Business, as expected, was terrible.  From about 2 pm on the store was a ghost town.  Sadly, this is how most of the Sundays have been for the past few weeks.  The faux holiday created by Hallmark was no different from the rest.  As a result, I got in over 11,000 steps and wrote a full page for the new book.  

Here's a bit on how I write.  I'm not one of those writers who sits in front of his laptop constantly thinking of the story and what words are needed to move it forward.  Nope.  I'll write a sentence or two, and then go do something, like put a couple dishes in the dishwasher, or, if they're already washed, take a few out.  After a few minutes, I'll go back and write another few sentences, maybe a paragraph.  Some days I'll 3 or 4 pages written, somedays only 2 or 3 paragraphs, and everything is subject to revision, that's a constant.

I saw this yesterday and thought it so appropriate.

And we're getting closer and closer to the first debate between the Orange Anus and Democracy... wait, that's supposed to say Biden.  Honestly, that is what's at stake.  Do we want cultists running the country, or do we want to participate in that decision making process.  Republicans do not want our opinions, so putting them in charge will make our voices mute.  They are the party that desperately wants to say "shut up, we're in charge," and they want to dictate every little aspect of our lives.  They want everybody to be indoctrinated into the cult.  If we're Republican zombies, we're not going to argue, we will see everything that hasn't been zombified as prey waiting to be killed and eaten.  All you need to do is look at the cultists to see how brainless they have become, just like their leader.


  1. That first debate is going to be 90 minutes of agony. Not sure I'll watch or not.

    Im ready for the heat!!! Bring it on. I head to the beach later in the week...just in time.

    1. I hope you're enjoying the heat. I won't be watching. Honestly, I think the felon will find some way to weasel out.

    2. That would be great!!!! And if he doesn't,I think someone should be close by with a whoopee cushion. How funny would that be?!?! lol

  2. Republicans-
    They seek perfection in their own horrible reflection, instead of proper action they resort to overzealous reaction. And instead of forging the best they create a mess.:( -Rj

    1. They've been reactionary ever since Clinton won the presidency.

  3. I don't know if I can watch the debate or just wait for The Biden Highlights™ and The Felon Lowlights™.

    1. I never watch them. I don't have the patience.

  4. A couple of years ago Ramadan happened to fall in a very hot summer and my son's Muslim colleague was doing Ramadan. He actually collapsed and they carried him into the shade and persuaded him to drink. Goodness knows what would have happened to him if he had refused!

    1. Isn't it crazy how some religions feel you need to starve and suffer to prove your faith.
