
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 When I checked the temp this morning it was a cool, 60 (F).  Not bad after sweating through the mid 90s (F) the heat dome dropped on us.  We had 7 days of super warm temps.  Notice, I said super warm.  They were 7 consecutive days warmer than it's been during the past 3 years.  I checked out the long range forecast earlier and the future's looking cooler.

There's no workie for me today... well, at least not the workie that adds $$$ to my paycheck.  My hours have actually been cut down to 25 this week.  Next week, with the 4th of July holiday pay I'll be getting, I'll have 30, and the following week a mere 22.  I am looking forward to the decrease in hours.  I want to lose some weight before Greece, and working so many hours over the past weeks cut down on my workout time.

And yesterday work was slow.  Because there were call-offs, I ended up selling 2 refrigerators.  That helped my sales. 

I should mow my lawn.  Not because the grass is high, but there are tall weed buds everywhere.

Look, a tan suit.

So the debate is 2 days away.  As usual, I won't be watching.  It is amusing how within the past 3 days conservatives have all started to loudly complain that Biden is going to be on drugs.  This was to be expected, especially when your candidate is a felon who has difficulty keeping a cohesive thought in his head for 2 minutes.  Wait, that's probably wrong.  I'm sure Trump has cohesive thoughts, his problem is that they continually stick to his lies about election loss. If the debate actually takes place, you can bet they're going to blame Biden's good showing on enhancers, rather than admit Trump's ramblings about sharks, and batteries, and who knows what make him look senile. What to expect if he does show up: he will be asked a question and then say what he wants, instead of responding.  And while I won't be watching, I'm hoping Biden calls him a convicted felon four or five times.


  1. I cackle every time the MAGAts wail that Uncle Joe is gonna be on drugs. Projection is strong with them. They know that Cheeto is gonna be pumped up on Adderall, with garage door pupils and spittle. He cannot run now because he'll look bad. And 'optics' is his thing.
    Remember when he circled Hillary during their debates?? And they're not going to 'fact check' him. Idiots. People can add commentary when narrating a football game. A debate should be the same.
    Jabba the Orange has spent his time playing golf and doing his rallies. I heard Aunt Wine Box at Faux News was saying that he 'didn't need prepping' like Uncle Joe. I laughed.


    1. I suspect they're just going to let him ramble his way into losership.

  2. With his out of control ramblings Trump will have to be on drugs to get through it :)

    1. His not having an audience is going to hurt him badly, no oohhs and aaahhs.

  3. Sad that The Felon won't be drug checked, or even brain checked.

  4. Honestly, I would be surprised if Biden wasn't on Adderall for the debate.

    1. It's difficult to say. I deal with a lot of seniors and some of them are sharper than tacks.
