
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, June 28, 2024

The Rug

 Another nice, comfortable summer day is on store for us today, and I don't work.  Both of those things are important.  Temps are supposed to begin edging upwards tomorrow and by Sunday they should hit the mid 90s (F).  Those warmer temps are also going to be bringing the threat of thunderstorms.  That doesn't bother me either since I'm not scheduled to work.

Yesterday was filled with naps and achievements, mostly because I hadn't slept well the night before.  Sometimes I will wake up and find my thoughts preoccupied with one thing or another, and instead of falling back to sleep, I find myself pondering excessively on something I would normally think too inferior to spend more than a passing moment on, except this time it was an old Yes song.  I could not get Long Distance Runaround out of my head.  So, yesterday was nappy.

My friend Justin came over and helped me move the desk and arrange the yellow area rug.  Before he arrived I took all of the drawers out to help lighten the load.  Being solid wood, it was still heavy.  I am pleased with how it looks.

And, of course, there was the debate last evening.  As usual, I didn't watch since it really isn't a debate.  There is no discussion, merely a back and forth of statements that have absolutely zero value in the scheme of things.  I was not surprised by the headlines this morning, and they all pretty much said the same thing:  Biden stumbles and Trump lies.  What were people expecting?  This is the nature of things:  one man is old and lies, the other is older and is is more honest; one is a convicted felon and the other isn't; one represents Republican dreams of an authoritarian government, and the other represents Democracy.  Biden's problem is that no one sat down with him after he was elected and told him he was going to be a caretaker president, and if they did, he stubbornly refused to listen.  He is the reason Democrats are starting to run around like their hair was on fire.  

Yesterday also saw Ryan Walters, the Christian Nationalist in charge of the Oklahoma School District inform the state that every teacher was going to need to teach the Bible.  Nutjobs like him will try and destroy the country, thinking they will rebuild it as an authoritarian theocracy.  This means he will have no problem starting a religious war if they believe this is what god wants them to do.  They have done this throughout history, and after the loss of many, many lives, have always lost. 


  1. That debate was a bad idea from the get-go. There was zero value in it for anyone.

    1. We are in total agreement, it was a bad idea from the get go, in fact, when I first heard there was going to be a debate, my first thought was "shit."

  2. The rug looks great and even pulls out the little hints of yellow and you're Stained Glass Lamp. I watched about 15 minutes of the debate and it was so painful I switched to my regular program. Everyone knew Trump would be Trump but I hear Democrats are very highly disappointed with Vibes performance. It was definitely an off night for him.

    1. Thanks, I think the rug works well. I knew that debate was a bad idea. There was no way Trump wasn't going to lie, and Biden giving a decent performance was a gamble.

  3. I wish the Joe Biden on that stage last night had been the same Joe Biden who spoke AFTER the debate in North Carolina. THAT Joe was sharp and on point; I think debate Joe was over-prepared.
    Oklahoma can FOAD.

    Good news: love the rug!

    1. Thanks! There's been a lot of slap back about CNN not fact checking both of them; I suspect that's the only reason Trump showed up, because he could lie, lie, lie without having to worry about being corrected.

  4. Love the rug!
    That's a very nice color (and it looks awesome with the wood). The debate was fuckery from the jump: no fact check for Cheeto and Uncle Joe was under the weather. So he probably went from the Energizer Bunny on Mountain Dew that the MAGAts were trumpeting around to an older gentleman with a stutter and the flu they are pivoting as I type.
    And my post yesterday is related to the Oklahoma fuckery: the wingnuts are trying. And trying. And trying.


    1. Thanks! The rug is very plush, almost 3/4 of an inch thick! As I've been telling people, debates aren't nearly as important as they used to be, mostly because no one answer's the questions, they're all too interested in get a sound byte,

  5. Gorgeous rug. I didn’t watch the circus last night but sounds like it was a sh*tshow.

    1. Thanks. And a shitshow is putting it mildly.
