
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Why Trickle Down Fails

 Yesterday was nice!  Rather than the predicted clouds, we had sunshine and temps were quite comfortable.  Things have cooled off a bit, and the prediction for next few days is partly cloudy, partly sunny, and temps in the mid to upper 70s (F).  Of course, I have to work today, but tomorrow and Wednesday should be nice.

I went down to York yesterday and had an enjoyable lunch with my friend Betsy.  She's a bit older than me, and we often joke about our ages.  I understand that most of you probably don't understand the age thing yet, but you will.  When I was growing up, most people retired at 65 and then waited to die.  Nowadays, many still retain a part-time job.  For some, that's because they need the income to offset their Social Security, but for others it's a way to socialize, to get themselves out of the house.  We have a number of 80 year-olds working at the store, not one of whom is a cashier.  Nope, these people work in the aisles, pulling product from the overhead to restock the shelves, and provide customer service to shoppers.  That's part of the funny thing.

I got an email from Audible, they're having a site-wide sale starting June 17 and have paused the Q & A process for The Body on the Lawn until after that date.  If I want, I can have them push it through to take advantage of the sale, but I'm going to be running a promotion anyway after it comes out, so I'm just going to sit and wait.  The world is not going to end if it doesn't get released next week.

And rather than getting a loveseat for the writing room, I'm thinking a large chair might be better, something like this.  There's still enough room for myself and dog, isn't that nice?

I saw that Republicans are again going to push tax breaks to corporations and wealthy individuals as part of their election package for 2024.  For those who don't know, this is called Trickle Down Economics.  They've pushed through Trickle Down 3 times, and every single time it has started failing after a short period time.  It lasted the longest under Reagan.  By the time he was leaving office, however, it was well into its death throes.  While it does initially pop up the economy, neither the corporations, nor the wealthy, invest enough of their tax breaks to keep it healthy.  Payroll expense is a terrible thing for corporations, and when it comes to creating and keeping jobs, or hitting their financial goal, money's always going to win out. The problem is that all those people they hire don't spend enough money to keep the buckos rolling in, which means companies begin to slowly cut their workforce and cancel those orders for durable goods.  They're still getting their tax breaks, which is all they cared about in the first place.


  1. I understand that some people have to work until much later for financial reasons but the thought of working more than a minute longer than necessary filled me with horror. Plus, over here you just wouldn't find the work anyway. Good luck to those people anyway!

    1. I like working. I like the idea of not having to go into my savings, or spend my pension until much later. Besides, I'm a social butterfly.

  2. I agree about the sofa. That chair would switch things very nicely. And my mother is 82 and still works a part time job as a receptionist for Health South...and rules the place they tell her with an iron fist. She going on 15 years there now after retiring from the Feds. And she is sharp as a whip....while many she used to work with are /or have been 6 feet under for some time. Important to stay active and involved.

    1. I actually know several who've retired and are basically just waiting to die.

  3. I like the chair. It's funny; we've been shopping for two armchairs and an ottoman to go in our living room, and having a hell of a time finding chairs we like that are also comfortable.

    Gregg has been enjoying retirement, and like you, he works part time, servicing aquariums. It only works out to be a day or two a week, which leaves him plenty of time for the home projects he's started. He has too much energy and drive to just sit around watching tv! That's a sure recipe for deterioration and decline for retired people!

    1. Furniture stores are pretty much passe up here, so I'm doing my shopping on line. Being active is great. Besides, I enjoy talking to older people. Sometimes I think they come into the store because they're lonely.

  4. That chair is cute! Do you want only one?
    And I plan on retiring way after seventy. it'll keep me alert. LOL
    And trickle down has NEVER worked. It was a trick to keep the working class working.


    1. Yes, only one. That chair is 46 inches wide. I don't act my age, don't feel my age, and hopefully don't look my age.

  5. I agree it's best tp stay active and work or volunteer after retiring; the idea of sitting home or doing nothing doesn't appeal to me.
    Neither does the ongoing effort of the GOP to suck the dicks of the rich.

    1. Providing fellatio with the rich, allows them to think they're part of something bigger.
