
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, June 20, 2024


 Outside the temp is a comfy 71 (F).  Even though we're still under a heat advisory, it is just that, an advisory.  Most of the high temps will be passing to the north of us, or, as is most often the case, to the south.  While there's no rain in our forecast, a new tropical storm has it's eye on Texas.  

As expected, I received a voice mail / text from Andersen yesterday telling me that if I called they could get me a substantial discount on my windows.  This shit pisses me off.  It tells me that Andersen can offer windows to customers at a more affordable cost, but chooses not to because for them high sales are far more important than fair sales.  Companies like this you want to avoid at all costs.

I've been looking into marketing the audio version of the The Body on the Lawn.  Audible presents certain opportunities as well as several recommendations, one of which is to get a reputable review.  This doesn't discount the other reviews individuals leave, however, having Audiofile give it a thumbs up seems to carry a lot of weight.  So, probably Tuesday of next week I will submit it to them.  It would be nice of if they choose to review it, if not, well, that's okay.  There are professional reviewers out there, but being professional they charge, sometimes quite a lot of money.  They don't guarantee a good review.  I can't imagine the disappointment of paying someone bunches of buckos, only to have them say your book sucks.

And then this happened yesterday.

For those of you living under a rock, this should have been expected.  There is this great fear among Christians, one of the reasons for Christian Nationalism, that their religion is failing.  It is.  Mostly because of what I think of bad translations based on bad translations, based on bad translations.  The "all you have to do is believe and ask forgiveness," is a great recruiting tool, but a religion without accountability will always fail.  By accountability, I don't mean cherry picking verses to be judgmental, heavens knows, many Christians do just that.  Rather, I'm saying that if your a Pastor and you molest a 12 year-old girl, there's going to be a price to pay.  The idea that prayer will wipe the slate clean is just wrong.  This is one of the reasons by the number of Christians in the world is decreasing.  And, in case you're wondering, it will happen to Islam, too.  This is the way things are.


  1. Louisiana ranks 46 in education out of the 50 states and THIS is what they choose to accomplish? They're raising idiots and bigots down there.

  2. Good luck with the book and the review. I heard about the news from Louisiana today. I just feel like the Christian nut jobs are trying to shove everything down our throats. And you know what they say about that? Religion is like a penis. It's nice to have one and fine to be proud of. Don't whip it out in public or shove it down someone else's throat.

    1. Thanks! And I've made notes on that penis flashing and shoving, I'll use them later.

  3. It pisses me off too when companies can "suddenly" bring their prices down if you don't bite initially. It's even worse if you're a woman - just sayin'!

    1. We are in total agreement. Everyone needs to be treated equally.
