
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Republicans: Economic Failures

 Well, today's already started out better than yesterday.  The sun is out.  Yesterday we had clouds throughout most of the day.  The sun didn't make an appearance until late in the afternoon.  On cloudy days I'm rather a meh person, not really wanting to do anything.  Of course, I had to zip off down to Lebanon shortly after the crack of dawn and that screwed up my scheduling as well.

I did get some writing done yesterday, but mostly I just wanted to nap, and read.  

There were 3 areas of my floor that I patched with plastic wood and tried staining with one of those stain pens.  Well, it didn't work at all.  The patched areas looked dirty, and the polyurethane finish didn't help, so I sanded them down and bought some real stain.  Pricey, but it looks much better.  

When I was down at the VA yesterday, one of the nurses told me about Phoenix Animal Rescue, telling me a number of breeders who have puppies that don't sell send them there.  So, when I got home, I checked out their website.  There were a number of puppies there, but there was also an 8 year-old female Boxer, and I suddenly felt so sad.  That's a terrible age to be rescued.  For Boxers, that's the age the medical problems start showing up.  I feel terrible that has to happen to that little lady.

And for those who have long term memory failure, Republican presidents always leave the economy in a mess.  Which of the 3 Republican presidents on this list passed Trickle Down Economic packages that failed?

I'll give you a hint.  George H. Bush was not one of them, though he inherited an economy that was a shambles because Trickle Down was failing so badly.  Giving tax breaks to wealthy individuals and corporations will never be successful at stabilizing the economy because those people and groups are only interested in their own bottom line.  At the first sign of a problem they beginning cutting their expenses (mostly payroll expense) to save their bottom line.  Of course, they're still getting those tax breaks.  The only president on this list who actually took away those breaks away from corporations was George H. Bush and it cost him his bid for re-election.  At a campaign rally while running for his first term, he infamously made the comment, "read my lips, no new taxes."  Of course, the economy left to him by Ronald Reagan was in such a shambles, Bush desperately tried everything.  The bottom line?  Never trust a Republican with the economy.


  1. Awww
    My one friend works for a rescue shelter in Denver and she sometimes posts some heartbreaking stories like the one you are talking about. Ugh. And I don't even have pets!

    And you know Repugs only care about the. money lining THEIR pockets and billionaires have plenty to give them, so....


    1. It is sad, they say she's very confused; there should have been better plans in place.

  2. In the past during the American economic boom in the 1950s and 1960s businesses and the wealthy invested in the American economy. Nixon opened China up with the hopes of putting the American working class in their place, god forbid they should demand fair wages for their hard work. Reagan turned around and incentivized businesses and the wealthy to invest overseas with hefty tax breaks, thus began the great American decline, as whole industries and jobs went overseas. Trickle down is the wealthy drinking champagne until their bladders burst and pissing it out on everyone else. - Rj

    1. And the cultists bought the lie from Reagan and they're still buying it from Trump.

  3. I mean, it's right there in their faces and yet they still keep playing the same game.
    Vote 'em all out.

  4. A better question is what can you trust a Republican with????

  5. Reading this I felt sure I was going to read that you had now bought an 8 year old boxer!!!

    1. I did think about it. Dogs are as smart as a 2 year-old. I feel bad that her owners didn't plan better. Seniors who get dogs need to insure those dogs are properly taken care of in case something happens.
