
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's Day

 Well, here it is, Sunday, the day before the dome comes down on top of us.  One of the things that's interesting is that last week they were predicting temps as high as 100 (F), and now forecasters are saying they should be in the mid to upper 90s (F).  From the maps I've been seeing, most of the high heat is going to stay to the south and the deep south.  Yepper, Florida and Texas are going to be cooking again.

I did work yesterday.  They're hungry for leads and measures and  as an incentive, they're giving out $5 gift cards to Subway and Dunkin' Donuts for every one you get.  I got a measure, so I'm the proud own of a Dunkin' gift card.  Maybe I'll get another today.  That means I'll be able to get 3 free donuts.

The measure was for carpet.  The customers have dogs and cats, and so our conversation headed in that direction.  I told them that I'd had dogs, but was dogless now, at least until I returned from my trip.  Many people have been suggesting rescue dogs, they didn't.  While there are all sorts of good stories about Rescue dogs, you never know what you're getting and many have had years of possibly bad training, or no training, and it's difficult to fix that.  Puppies are best, so you can start from scratch.  

And they put put out Father's Day gifts for all the men in the building yesterday: a soft drink, a Slim Jim, and a small bag of nuts.  I got cashews.  I'd have rather had walnuts or peanuts.

And it is Sunday.  That means many phony Christians will go to Church and be told that it's okay to pass judgment on others for oh so many varied reasons.  Well, that's not quite right, they're going to be schooled in what is acceptable, the decision to pass judgement encouraged by their church leaders, perhaps because they believe it gets the closer to godliness.  I find it amusing that many of these Cracker Jack Crazies believe they're doing God's will when there's nothing in the Bible that tells them to do this.  It doesn't say much for God's strength if piddly human beings have to force his will upon others, does it.  Perhaps this is one of the reasons for the great De Churching.



  1. The Felon spoke at a Black church in Detroit, but only white people showed up.

    1. Actually, there were 9 black people there, only one from the congregation.

  2. Strange how Texas and Florida have some of the worst weather in the nation. Storms, floods, hurricanes, tornados, sweltering heat, even pestilence ! Aren’t those the things God uses to punish the sinful ?
    Perhaps God is giving them clues and even warnings about their blasphemies against him, but they’re too arrogant and ignorant to realize it. Then again they can’t cope or deal with reality.:( - Rj


    1. Boy, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed that.

  3. Normally I wouldn't mind a Slim Jim...but would want it with large nuts!!!!

    I seldom watch the weather. It seems every heat wave, rain storm or anything is a major disaster anymore. It seems anything in the news anymore is an ant hill made into a mountain. I wake up, look up, and dress accordingly.

  4. I enjoy the weather, I like to see how far off the forecasters are.
