
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Sorely disappointed.

 It's a beautiful day here in Central PA.  The sun is shining.  Temps are predicted to reach the low to mid 80s (F), and no rain is in the forecast.

And no, I didn't decide to adopt that poor, old Boxer.  I do feel sorry that as a senior dog she has to deal with issues her puppy brain is not going to understand.  They tell you in her profile that's she's very confused, and at her age that confusion may never go away.  If you're a senior who adopts a dog make plans the same way you would if you were adopting a child, because that dog is going to be dependent upon you.

Yesterday, I got a lot done.  About 1/3 of the writing room floor has a new coat of polyurethane, words were written, and I got a nice bike ride in.  

A few nights back I watched the first 2 episodes of The Acolyte on Disney.  Originally, Star Wars was geared for young adults and adults.  Then George Lucas decided to kiddiefiy it to grow its box office receipts.  The Mandalorian targeted a more mature audience.  Andor does the same thing.  The Acolyte?  It's for the tween and teenage crowd.  The cast is kids.  Two episodes was enough.

And then there's this?

I thought it was amusing.  Hopefully it will be true.

The Southern Baptists voted against IVF yesterday.  Basically, what they're saying that if you're a couple who wants a child, and have problems making a baby by just having sex, you're most likely going to remain childless.  I don't really pay that much attention to the process of baby making, but from what I understand there are a significant number of couples who rely on IVF to become parents.  To give this a little more perspective, this is the anti-abortion crowd limiting the number of ways a woman can become pregnant.  I find that rather archaic.

As someone commented on Threads yesterday, this is the reason the number of Nones is increasing so dramatically.  People want religion to stay out of their personal lives.  Another big reason are the Alitos and people like them who are trying to force their beliefs upon an unreceptive nation.  Conservatives will never be happy until they can control every aspect of our lives.  It's a good thing they're going to be sorely disappointed.



  1. Organized religion doesn't seem to understand that times have changed and they still act as though this is the 1950s.
    Progress is a foreign construct to them.
    Hate, however, is the meal of choice.

    1. Organized religion is terrified of dying, and the only way it sees itself surviving is by stopping time.

  2. Now what is the problem with IVF???? If it's a couple who wants kids...whats the issue. And that right wings they even know what sex is?

  3. Oh, I have listened to that Cheeto word salad with the sharks and the batteries three times and.... whooo boy. The fuckery.
    The meme is on point, though.. LOL

    And poor older doggies. I read somewhere that some rich person bought a whole facility where they kept animals for testing and they are rehabbing all the animals. If I had money, it would be hungry children, the homeless and rescue animals all the way.

    IVF is the next step after abortion. Next? Contraception. After that? Gay marriage. Eff religion.


    1. If I could afford it, I'd do that with the dogs. Christians only like one position for women.

  4. Thanks for the review of The Acolyte. It didn't look like it was meant for me and now I don't have to worry about it. It doesn't hurt that my oldest has Star Wars fatigue. Enjoy the weather, Dave.

    1. Perhaps if the actors were older it might have worked better, but it's really like watching something made for junior high.

  5. I knew the Acolyte would be bad. I am surprised Andor is so good. Religion had a place in society, now I think social policing is taking on that roll.

    1. Andor is good... no kids, just adults. And you might be somewhat right about social policing.
