
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Great De-Churching

 Oh, my, it's Saturday, and it sunny, and the temp's supposed to climb into the low 80s (F) and... of course, I work.  While there is the occasional 4% chance of rain during the upcoming week, they're not predicting any significant precipitation until next Friday.  That's the day I drive down to the Lebanon VA for my physical.

I did have my bloodwork done yesterday, though I didn't have to pee in a cup.  That's the 2nd time I didn't have to provide a sample that smell of black coffee.  Usually, I have whole milk in my coffee, but I skip it on bloodwork days so it doesn't effect my sugar count. I'm borderline as it is.  It's one of my many borderlines:  My glaucoma is borderline, so is my blood pressure, and my cholesterol.  Anyway, to celebrate no more bloodwork for a year, I bought and ate a pint of Cherry Garcia.  

Every audio file for The Body on the Lawn has been uploaded... except one... The Closing.  What is The Closing?  Two words.  The End.  Dermot, my narrator did not create a separate audio file with those two words, he included them at the end of chapter 29, where The End should be.  This means I need to copy chapter 29 into Audacity, copy The End, at the end of the chapter, and put it into a new audio file that going to be very short.  It's not difficult, but, when I realized what I needed to do, I sounded like a curmudgeon, muttering more than one profanity.

As a lot of you know, America is experiencing the Great De-churching, many people choosing to no longer go to church.  There are many reasons for this, but one that pops up over and over again is politics, and political leaders taking their political beliefs into the church.  For a large number of people, this is a big turn-off.  Political leaders, mostly Conservatives and Republicans, see the church as a great way of getting votes; promising a congregation what ever it wants is a good way to get them to vote for you.  However, this is doing far more damage than they know.  Here's one of, if not the worst offenders.

And yes, this shit is truly out there.

The Orange Anus gave a short speech yesterday, the first since his conviction, and nothing changed, he cited the same lies that have become part of his repertoire... except he rambled.  Some networks carried it live, and then cut it off.  The AP called it rambling, and the word was used my many to describe the word salad he spit out.  Conservatives across the board are in what the Washington Examiner called Denialism, though they were trying to describe Democrats.  How's that for the kettle calling the kettle black.  One thing most people aren't talking about is the silence coming from Nikki Haley.  Is there a roar of hushed whispers in the background that no one is hearing?


  1. I couldn't tell you two things he was talking about. I saw clips of it. Focus is definitely not in his vocabulary. It doesn't surprise me about the churches. There's so many churches lately up for sale or being repurposed. I mean Masha Browns was my favorite restaurant in New Hope. It was the only reason I went nto a church in years.

    1. Media outlets shut him off, that's a very good sign.

  2. As for the churches, look where their prosperity gospel has brought them, worshipping a man who is the antithesis of Christ and then some.:(

    1. The big problem with churches is that those in charge believe themselves to be special enough to know what evil looks like.

  3. He's losing it, not that he ever really had it.

    People are leaving organized religion in droves because church has become less about faith and more about politics, and using your faith-based politics to demean people and treat "others" as less than.
    Whatever it is anyone might believe, the fact is that God--and whatever that means to you--is love, not hate.

    1. He is losing it, and what a Joy to behold.
