
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Debate

 We had storms last night.  Lotsa rain.  Even some thunder.  I was watching the last 2 episodes of Shogun, so I pretty much ignored it completely.  Today temps are expected to climb into the mid 80s (F), which is fine with me.  I do have the A/C units running because of the humidity.  Hopefully, that will pass later on in the day.

And today is the day that my yellow area rug gets put down.  I have a friend coming over around 11:30 to help move the desk.  Once the rug is in place, the only thing left will be the chair.  I haven't ordered that yet since I don't want it arriving while I'm in Greece.  I'm getting impatient emails from the manufacturer asking me to place my order. Well, they're just going to have to wait.

Yesterday was a leg day for me, not in that I did a bunch of squats and lunges, nope, I walked.  Almost 2 miles at Adams-Ricci, and then strolling around a nearly empty store, I racked up over 15,000 steps.  I have to do more of that.  This afternoon, after the furniture moving has been completed, I'm going to climb on the rower, another way to get in some outstanding cardio.

Here's a pic of CNN's debate stage.

According to the Orange Anus, CNN is fake news, yet he's going to be standing at one of those podiums this evening spewing his infernal lies and hatred.  You'll notice, there's no audience, there will be camera operators, and possible a sound technician or two.  There will not be a bought audience of MAGA cultists to coo and caw at his every word.  Trump's team is expecting Biden to do better, this is obvious by the constant commentary about his being juiced.  Will I be watching?  Absolutely not.  I have no desire.  I can honestly say that I haven't watch a debate since... oh, probably since Clinton was running for president.  Afterall, it isn't really a debate.  Nope.  It's nothing more than a public display in an attempt to get the best soundbites for the election, nothing more.  Simple fact:  nothing said in a debate has ever mattered since George H. Bush muttered "read my lips, no new taxes."


  1. I may watch a little of the debate, but I truly abhor Twitler's voice, so I can only take a minute or two.
    The lies will fly and I hope they cut his mic and he shouts over Uncle Joe, so the world sees what a man-child he is. The repugs have been lowering expectations for Cheeto for days and have gone from hard-core drugs to Mountain Dew to explay how Uncle Joe went from comatose a week ago to alert today.
    It'll be a shitshow.


  2. I understand the dumps team is very nervous he will not follow the guidelines and stay on topic, not to mention will babble on anyway...mic or no mic.

  3. Faux news was going on how Biden was spending a whole week in Camp David to prep for the debate, as if he was only prepping for the debate. He is also at Camp David for part of the Fourth of July holiday just like many of the presidents before him. But, Faux news twist facts as usual. -Rj

    1. They need to feel the cultists their pablum.

  4. No debate for me either. I heard that rugs can really tie a room together. Hope it turns out fabulous.

    1. Pictures of the rug tomorrow. And I'd rather put pins in my eyes than watch Trump whine.

  5. I think The Felon will lose it when his mic goes off.

    1. The entertainment value would be tremendous.

  6. I walked around 15,000 steps too yesterday, only summer has finally hit and what a sweaty mess I was when I got back home!!!

    1. Well done! It's okay to be a sweaty mess, that's why we have showers.
