
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Robert Morris, Pederast

 Well, it's 75 (F) outside, which means the temps will again soar into the mid to upper 90s (F).  There are a few spotty clouds in the sky, but, as expected, the green grass of my lawn is turning brown.  Three years ago we had a dry summer, I think I mowed my yard 5 times during the 3 months of summer.  Almost all of the leaves fell off of my river birch trees.  Looking out the writing room window yesterday, I saw that they were already beginning to fall.

Of course, yesterday I got 2 quotes on putting 6 new windows in my house.  My attic windows are in bad shape.  They're wooden ones, with no vinyl coating and they've been exposed to the elements for at least 30 years.  Both salesmen were nice, the first a little pushy, but friendly.  They both wanted me to sign on the bottom line.  I didn't.  They want us to be the same way at work, but not me.  I'm getting one more quote tomorrow morning, and then I'll decide.

Andersen Renewal windows were the high end, with the quote coming in at $19,000.  That's a bit too rich for me.  Their salesman did give me some good advice, however.  When I told him that after the window replacement, I was going to replace the siding, he told me not to, telling me I should have it painted instead.  He said, "that's aluminum, it'll last forever."  The vinyl they're putting on houses today is not made to last for decades, while my current siding will.  He told me I could save myself thousands of dollars by just having it painted.  If they weren't so pricy, I'd by the Andersen just because of his advice.

And I did a polite cancel for tonight's Marriott get together even though the organizer, after being told 3 weeks ago that I was unavailable on the 19th, schedule it for the 19th anyway.  

I thought this was amusing.

And Gateway megachurch pastor Robert Morris has stepped down after admitting that years ago he molested as girl for 4 years.  She was 12 when this started.  It ended when she was 16.  And years later he has resigned his post because of the public outcry.  Both Gateway and Morris have admitted his guilt, saying that "his sin was dealt with correctly by confession and repentance."  This so--called man of God was molesting a little girl who is now 54.  This is pretty much horseshit.  Confession and repentance doesn't do the trick.  Where's the accountability in that?  This is one of the many reasons why the number of Nones is increasing almost exponentially.  Thanks to a verse in Matthew, God will forgive every sin except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.  So, it doesn't really make a difference if you bang a little girl, all you need to do is ask for forgiveness and everything is made right for your selfish soul.


  1. About 10 years ago my mother got 12 new windows on the house from Pello. And they were a buy one get one free window she basically got six to pay for. Soon we're going to have to have the three huge living room picture windows replaced. That'll probably be coming up in the fall. That should be a pretty penny.

    1. Ignore the first offer, tell them you're going to "mull it over," and they usually come back with a lower price.

    2. Oh!!! That wasn't quite the technique I had in mind to get the price down...but your way sounds like less work. LOL!

    3. Andersen has already contacted me with a "substantial discount."

  2. Why isn’t Pastor Morris and some the Gateway leadership in prison ?
    Morris for child rape and abuse, and the leadership for aiding and abetting that rape and abuse. More than likely the girl, now an adult, is not the only victim at Gateway. Strange how Evangelicals and Republicans seemed to be pushing a pedophile agenda across the country.
    Forcing girls and women to give birth to their rapists, allowing underage marriages for older men, and laws to put women and others in their ‘place’. :(

    1. They will always protect their own, because it doesn't make a difference what he did to that little girl as long as he asks God to forgive.

  3. WHAT??? A church leader molested a child FOR YEARS!!!!!
    But they said it was drag queens ....

    1. No surprise here. Sounds to me like that church needs to have good old stoning.

  4. Confession and repentance??? How about fines and prison!
