
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, June 3, 2024


 And so, a new week begins.  The sun was shining brightly through my front windows at 0600 this morning, but not so much anymore.  The forecast for today is partially cloudy with a high in the mid 80s (F).  I can deal with that, because that means the sun will occasionally pop out.  Tomorrow?  I'm off and it's, as should be expected by now, supposed to be overcast for much of the day.

I did work yesterday.  I got a measure.  Oh, and I got some good news.  My supervisor received a promotion and will be moving to the night shift.  He is one of those incompetents who believes that management means sitting back on his ass, telling you to do tasks he never learned because he thinks they're beneath him.  I once had to cut a large section of rolled carpet, a 2 person job, and asked him for help and, as you might expect, he said, "I don't know how to cut carpet."  So, he stood and watched as I did it myself.  The night manager he's working for is going to chew him up and spit him out in broken little pieces.  This is Karma.

All of the audio files for The Body on the Lawn have been submitted to Audible.  One of my editors was surprised by how much work I had to put in to getting them ready, and I told her "but I learned so much!"  Sometimes when people hit a certain age, they become terrified of learning.  Not me. Bring it on!

And, since I was speaking of Karma!  Or, perhaps God was responsible, or perhaps they're one in the same, anyway, yesterday this happened.

A Trust in Jesus bus, heavily placarded with pro Trump signs, crashed into a light poll.  That, in itself, would be justice enough, however this crash was different.  You see, the bus was parked, no one was in it, no one was driving it, the damned thing (and it is quite possibly damned) started moving on its own,  cruising down a hill and into the poll.  From the damage done, it must have been moving pretty damn fast.  So, was it Karma, or a sign from God?


  1. Evilvanigicals! Figures.

    What a beautiful morning though!

    1. The day turned out rather nice, shame I had to work.

  2. Hahaha
    Oh, the jokes write themselves with the MAGAts. Idiots. They ARE an accident by the side of the road. And apparently Jesus did NOT take the wheel here, huh?
    And congrats on getting all ready for the audio book! Werk!


    1. Wish I'd have thought of Jesus take the wheel!

  3. Bus wreck, train wreck that’s what they deserve. What commandment is in the Bible? Oh yes, though shall not worship other gods before me !
    Someone needs to tell these people that includes Trump. :) -Rj

    1. If you think they're bad now, wait until they start thinking virgin sacrifices might help.

  4. God is a woman and she is pissed at Hair Furor and his Cult.

    1. It's amazing what the flick of a Holy finger will do.
