
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, October 18, 2024


 Hello Friday.  Hello Sunshine.  Hello temps in the 70s (F).  The good news is that this weather is supposed to hang with us for the next week.  The bad news is that all this sunshine will make my grass grow.  Without a good shot of cold air the leaves on the trees are staying green, for the most part.  They are beginning to fall, but there are no brilliant yellows or reds around my neck of the woods.

Yesterday was a somewhat busy day.  I wanted to get the front room tank cleaned.  Well, that was a bust.  I did get in a short ride on the bike.  It wasn't nearly as long as usual because Howie left the room and I got worried he might leave a deedle or drop a doodle  in the house.  That's a big priority right now in getting him house trained.  It is lucky for both of us that the temps are going to be nice, and my hours fairly short at work, to teach him that his business needs to be done outside.

This morning my car gets inspected.  They've changed the way things are done: the work you have done is basically a la carte.  You pick and chose what needs to be done, like an oil change (necessary) or air filters changed (unnecessary).  I'm putting the purchase of new tires off until next year.  I don't drive that much, and the tread is still fairly good.  Everything is so expensive.  Hopefully, this will only take about an hour.  I'm doing what I normally do, taking along a hard copy of my latest book, The Body in History, and working on a rewrite of the first draft.

And, speaking of the weather.  If this is correct, temps will remain warm here again this winter.  This will be the 3rd winter in a row.  For those who don't know.  This is what Global Warming looks like.  If it stays this warm this winter, imagine what the summer is going to be like for those southern states.

And all the details about Trump's involvement leading up to, and including what he did, on January 6 are going to be released for public consumption.  His appeals have been denied.  This is a good thing.  Some are saying that this is the October surprise, though we have to be honest here, there have already been so many ugly surprised for the Republican party this October.  He's tried to get people dancing.  His Univision town hall was a complete failure, as was his town hall with women.  He's cancelling appearances, one of which was with the NRA.  And today details are going to be released to the press of how truly malevolent he was on January 6 when his cultists attempted a coup.  He has been angling for this moment his entire life, and don't, for a second, think he will have any regrets.  It will be his out and out rage at being finally held accountable that will pop his brain.


  1. The meltdowns are happening daily; the unhinged behavior is happening daily.
    Still, the Cult will always believe him but those moderates may start walking away.

    1. They will always follow him, till the ends of their days.

  2. Oh, when I read the appendix was gonna get released even though Cheeto and his minions tried EVERYTHING to prevent it, I cackled.
    But you are right, it’s surprise after surprise after surprise. The minions don’t care.
    Sad, no?
    And Chi has been cool. Not as cold as years ago, but cold. That lake effect, I guess…



    1. I know how cold Chicago can get, I went to boot camp there, as well as radar school, from Oct 71 to Dec 72, and there were days when there were no classes because the windchill was around 165 below.

  3. When my car goes through it's biannual inspection I always wait it out with a good book. I never mind waiting for anything as long as I have a book - it's a wonderful "gift" isn't it!

    1. I don't mind waiting as long as it's a reasonable wait; yesterday it was supposed to be ready at 10, but I left at 11:30
