
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Good Riddance

 Sunday is looking to be another nice day.  The temps are expected to be in the upper 70s (F) and wonderful sunshine is on the way.  Tomorrow, our temps might hit 80 (F).  Wowza!  I can live with this.  Of course, there's always a flip side to every coin and starting Tuesday our temps will begin sinking to more normal temps for this time of year.  I don't mind things being cool.  Heh, I don't even mind the cold.  

Yesterday was boring at work.  I did manage to get 2 measures for carpet installation, that gives me 3 for the week.  That will keep management happy.  I don't think I'm going to meet my sales goal, but since I'm so far above my goal for the year I'm not worried.  

One of my old store managers died suddenly yesterday morning.  He was in his upper 50s, so we think it was probably a heart attack.  He and I never got along, in fact, he's the only store manager I ever raised my voice to, and so I almost feel bad that I'm not more sympathetic.  Unfortunately, my opinions of him are shared by so many others who worked with him and that's a shame.  I would like to think that if I were to die suddenly, people who think of me kindly, rather than say, "do you remember when he did this?"

I got an email from SquareSpace regarding the chargeback I did to my credit card.  It turns out that Google sold my domain name to SquareSpace, and that $30 charge on my card was the renewal fee.  Google used to send out emails letting me know when it was going to renew.  SquareSpace didn't do that.  Now I have to call my credit card company and cancel the chargeback.  See what happens when you don't send an simple notification.

And, yesterday in Latrobe, PA, Trump talked about Arnold Palmer's dick.

I watched a clip, but turned it off.  I simply can't stand the sound of his whiny voice.  Still, the fact that the New York Times, which has been doing a lot of sane-washing of Trump, would publish an article about his decent into vulgarity is important.  While they reported that his supporters loved it, they were quick to point out that his "dick" talk was most likely going to turn swing voters away.  I didn't check, but I wondered how they reported his telling his supporters that Harvey Weinstein got schlonged.   I know a lot of people are saying this proves he's sinking into dementia, honestly, I think this 78 year-old man is finally showing the public his private side.  He's always been morally and ethically decrepit,  now, he's showing people his true colors.  I suspect this is the final test for all of those Christians who believe he was sent by God to realize the truth.  I don't think they understand the Gates of Hell await.  Well, good riddance.


  1. Demented DonOLD and the Dead Man's Dick.

  2. I can honestly say i have never seen a more miserable, unhappy and vulgar person.

  3. Crude and vulgar comments are the signs of a small man, a very small man.

  4. When my ex was here last year he mentioned that his friend, JP, had died suddenly. Not even retired, "but I know you couldn't stand him"! Say what? Yeah he was right, I couldn't stand him. Maybe if he had butted out of my marriage things might have been better, but that doesn't mean I wished him dead. It's kinda sad when people don't even get to retire though isn't it. I have a colleague (the woman that took over from me in the pension fund) died in her sleep about three weeks ago at the age of 58. Another one that didn't get to retire. It's so sad - and yet again I'm so happy that I took the leap to go when I did!

    1. I agree. I always say there are 2 times in your life where you should be able to do pretty much what you want: when you're young and your parents are taking care of you, and when you retire, and should be able to afford to do what you want.
