
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Online Only

 I cannot believe it's Friday, nor can I believe that they're calling for possible showers this afternoon.  I don't work today, and I want it to be sunny.  I need to mow my lawn.  At least we've had a few dry days for the grass to dry out, though after all of this rain I'll be wearing sweat pants rather than shorts to keep the gnats from turning my legs into a smorgasbord.  Temperature wise it will be fine, in the mid 70s (F).  

As expected, work was truly boring yesterday.  No measures.  I made a few phone calls.  Talked to some customers and answered the same stupid questions.  What stupid questions?  Well, we sell quite a lot of vinyl plank flooring, much of which we carry in the store.  We also have a selection that is "Online Only."  This selection is clearly marked in bold letters, "Online Only."  Yet a day never passes when a some customer who can't read asks, "does this mean you don't have any in stock?"  There are times when the smartass in me wants to raise his smug, little head and say, "if we had it in stock, it wouldn't say online only," but I don't.  Nor do I point out that the in stock product is clearly marked "in stock."  Why is it that some people never think and have to be told everything.  "Online Only," is fairly self-explanatory.

I went to see Megalopolis, Francis Ford Coppola's new film.  It's about creativity; how an artist, whether he be a musician, a painter, or a writer, can stop time.  It's a fable set in New Rome, so there are a lot of old Rome names, like Caesar, and Claudio.  Too many people, like the ones who ask about "online only," are not impressed because it doesn't fill in the lines they need it to fill:  the CGI is a bit off, the dialogue is a bit too creative.  It's a fable.  It is flexible, not rigid.  Statues move.  I thought it was great.  There were moments when time stopped.  

Of course, things did happen in the political circus yesterday, one of most amusing being that the Dockworkers are no longer on strike.  The Republicans had thought they could turn this into an October surprise which would hurt the Democrats.  Ooops, not going to happen.  Even funnier are all of those people who ran out and ordered, or bought thousands of rolls of toilet paper because the of this non-strike.  Will they learn from this panic buying?  Absolutely not.

And the Orange Anus had a rally in Saginaw, Michigan yesterday and only filled 1/3 of a high school gymnasium.  For those who don't understand this, let me explain.  This small group represents the number of people who will actually vote for him.  He will refuse to accept this.  He will either try and start something, or he will run away when the results become clear.  Reagan started the lie, Donald Trump will end it.


  1. Ohhh now I wanna see that movie!
    And I cackled at the video of that 'rally' in a school gym! LOL
    It was carefully staged to make it seem in photos like a crowded arena. Pity people had their phones handy, no? It's all smoke and mirrors with Jabba the Orange.
    And the strike didn't really work, huh? That guy leading it apparently had to go back to his mansion with his five Porsches. He'll probably join the owner of that plastics factory who did not let his employees leave in the middle of the floods.
    Wanna bet Dark Brandon had something to do with making them buy all that toilet paper? After all, MAGAts blame him for everything...


    1. The movie was good. And one good thing those who panic bought toilet paper is that it doesn't have an expiration date.

  2. I cant believe maybe more rain. The lawn guy came and did a nice job. After work with sun...I did het in some garden clean up...and trimming back of plants. Ill start winterizing soon. All that rain did a number on the garden.

    I don't see how the dump wins. There leaving him slowly behind. I saw he made a crack about Harris and Cheney together. Heavens forbid a Democrat and Republican work together. Hell Obama and Christie got ripped also for working together when Hurricane Sandy hit in Bucks County and NJ. Someone needs to tell some of these politicians it's alright to work together.

    1. It's so freaking damp here, my lawn looks like it's just been through a torrential downpour.

  3. I am surprised at how many Stump flags I see in my neighborhood. It says a lot.

    1. Aren't you on the condo committee? You should pass a rule saying no political signs.

  4. All these stories about The Felon and his wee crowds and his lunacy and the new Jack Smith filings are all well and good, but we still need Blues to vote to send a very clear message that he lost.
    Let's not rest on good polls for Kamala and meltdowns and bad news for The Felon, while they are all enjoyable, let's rest when we have ALL cast our votes.

    1. For some reason, I don't think you have to worry about complacency this election, so many people want to kick down and then stomp the shit out of him.

  5. I was trying to understand the panic buying and then it dawned on me. People are nuttier than a squirrel's breakfast. Glad you enjoyed the movie. I have heard of it but that is about it. Hope the weather cooperates so get to make the tall grass shorter.

    1. Never try and understand panic buying. The movie was great, the weather was not.
