
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Christmas in October

 Well, it's Sunday.  I got up around 0515 because I was awake.  It was cool enough in the bedroom that I realized the time had come for me to pull out the rest of the blankets.  Outside, the temp was 49 (F) or almost 9.5 (C).  That's chilly.  Temps are predicted to get warmer, however, things have changed in the forecast.  Originally, it was supposed to stay warm for a few days.  Now, we appear to to be moving back into more seasonable, fall-like weather.  It is autumn, after all, and some people need a reason to drink their pumpkin spice lattes.

I worked yesterday, it was boring.  I did manage to get 2 measures for flooring installations.  That will keep management happy.  My goal was 2 for the week, I've sold 4.  I will probably sell less in the future because I've changed my availability.  There was time when you could be available for 28 hours a week and you'd only be scheduled for 20.  Not any more.  Now they schedule for every hour possible, and the only way to change that is to reduce the number of hours a week that you can work.  A further reduction is in my future.

And Christmas has arrived at the store... the first week of October.  Truthfully, they began the display all the way back in September.  Every year people ask me why, we have 3 months until Christmas?  Well, the ugly answer is the consumer, those people who desperately need Christmas.  Here's an example from last week.  We had a woman and her husband come into the store looking for a specific artificial Christmas tree.  That model was sold out online, however, we had several in the store.  They were, unfortunately, still stored on pallets in the overhead.  Even more unfortunate for us was her demand we get one down so she could buy one, so that's what we did.  We blocked off aisles, got a fork-lift and pulled down the pallet so she could satisfy her selfishness.  As for this display, it was difficult for me to take this picture because of customers buying trees, and wreathes, and... well you name it.  And yes, I take it on October 4, 2024.

The Orange Anus had a rally yesterday in Butler, PA, where supposedly and assassination attempt was made on his life.  Many people are beginning to wonder if it was an elaborate campaign event that cost the deaths of 2 Republicans.  Honestly, I don't think Republicans have a problem sacrificing one of  their own if they feel their new religion calls for it.  Elon Mus was there, too.  At one time I thought he might be intelligent, now I realize he's like Trump, a self-centered rich man who inherited most of his fortune.  His Karma is almost as bad as Trump's.  This is something his ego refuses to let him understand.  He and the woman who needed a specific tree have a lot of things in common.


  1. The photos of brainless Elon jumping like a cheerleader at OA’s “rally” say it all. I noticed the big blue retailer here had put up a giant inflatable Cmas tree outside its entrance. Bah humbug.

    1. Pictures of Elon's cheerleader dance are all over social media. And it's not being Bah... Humbug, it's being a realist.

  2. I will always believe it was a staged event.

    Sidenote: we walked into your competitors store yesterday and got smacked in the face by the Halloween-0Christmas display.
    I almost turned and left.

    1. That was the first thing I thought of when he started yelling fight, that it was straight out of a B movie. I find the Christmas display a bit overbearing. Remember, we wouldn't put it out if customers wouldn't buy it.

  3. Being in retail most my like I understand the putting of the decor out early, such a short time to make top dollar of the crap, but never understood the mentally of the buyer to have it so quick. I'm only just now getting in the Halloween spirit. And I despise those inflatables as much as Crocs!!!!!! Every time I see them I want to put pinholes in them!!!!!

    I'm happy today, I could get outside.

    1. Inflatables! I detest them. And I, unfortunately worked.

  4. I absolutely hate seeing Christmas stuff in October!! If Christmas was just limited to about 10 days in December it would still be a thrill but to have it pushed down your throat in October already makes my blood boil. And I actually really do feel for the store employees who get the Christmas music played over and over ad nauseum! Or maybe they are just able to tune it out!

    1. Crap, I forgot about the Christmas music. I don't think it starts for us until after Halloween.
