
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, October 10, 2024


 Can I get a big hello for Thursday morning?  The outside temp is 50 (F), but we're in a bit of a cool-off so it's only going to climb around 12 degrees.  According to the forecast, we're going to warm up as we head into next week.  No rain.  Just sunny days.  That's fine.

I did get my lawn mowed yesterday.  It looks good.  I wish my neighbors would do the same to theirs.  I'm talking about the new neighbors.  He works long days, and she doesn't like to be outside.  She told me once that she felt as though everyone in the neighborhood was watching her.  Bit of a paranoia issue.  She is the one who likes to smoke her marijuana, so it shouldn't really surprise me.

And yesterday afternoon I drove to Bethel, PA to pick up a puppy.  That's right.  Howie has now moved into the house.  He's 9 weeks old, has very sharp little teeth, and is beginning to be housetrained.  That means he still has accidents.  I expected this.  He is what they call a Red Fox Labrador (Vizslas were way too expensive), so he's sort of ginger colored.  I met his grandmother and she's more yellow than she is red.  Here he is with one of Lily's old toys.  What a good thing it was I saved some.

And I don't think I mentioned it, but those Covid tests that Trump gave Putin were not the little cardboard ones the vast majority of us got.  Nope.  He gave Putin little computers that diagnosed on a molecular level and were the size of a big toaster.  Very expensive.  So, instead of making sure they were available to hospitals, he gave them to his Blo Bro.

So. why is Trump going to hold a rally in Madison Square Garden?  Some think it's because the GOP wants chaos to ensue, others think that it's a desperate attempt to influence the down ballot voters.  There are 3 House seats from that region which need to be filled and the Republican party wants to be competitive.  The Republicans need those 3 seats if they hope to maintain a majority, and a majority is needed if they want to the House of Representatives to object to the election results.  They way to stop this is for Democrats to decimate the Republicans at the polls and take back the majority.  It shouldn't be that difficult, all we need to do is make sure Democrats vote en masse.


  1. Howie's a little cutie!!
    I leave that alone because I don't wanna rail about the GOP on such an adorable post!

    1. He's cute, and bouncy, and bitey all rolled into one.

  2. OMG Howie!!
    And you know Cheeto loves chaos. As far as I know they despise him in NY (both the city and the state) but I also know that the Repugs are desperate for those seats so they can try and do a coup again. So it tracks.


    1. I don't doubt Putin's giving him a bonus for all of the chaos.

  3. Hello, Howie!! So awesome. Congrats, Dave. Good luck with the training and chewing.

  4. After seeing little Howie....and his cuteness....I don't recall any train of thought on anything else. Will he sleep in bed with you?

  5. Howie, très adorable :)
    Poutine joue Trump le fou et l’idiot comme un fiddle !
    -Beau Mec

    1. Howie thanks you. And Trump's an eager instrument.

  6. Welcome little Howie! What a cutie! I know you'll be happy to have a dog in the house again.

    Enjoy every minute, puppyhood is over fast.

  7. Oh I thought for some reason you were getting another boxer!! Either way, that puppy is beautiful!
