
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Saturday Night

 Well, it's cold out.  Not freezing cold, but cold enough for me to see my breath as I'm standing outside waiting for Howie to do his morning business.  Today is the last day for the chilliness, tomorrow starts a warm up which will again take up up into the 70s (F).  If the winter stays as warm as this autumn has been, it will be another cheap year as far as my heating bills.  I have no problem with that.

I didn't work yesterday.  Sadly, it turned out to be one of those... slow days.  I wrote.  I did some cleaning.  But mostly, I sat and scrolled through my phone looking for juicy bits that I found entertaining.

I do have to work this afternoon.  I'm not excited.  I changed my availability so I can only work Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday in the afternoon, and then 8 hours on Sunday.  I'm going to have to lose one of those afternoons. I now have a puppy that needs to be taken care of, and it's difficult to house train when I'm out of the house for 6 hours at a stretch.

Last night I went to see Saturday Night, a movie about the first night of Saturday Night Live, a TV show of skits, and musical acts that started 50 years ago.  I remember those shows.  I, along with millions of other people my age, glued ourselves to the TV every Saturday night for years laughing at the sometimes very absurd, usually adult humor.  I liked the movie a lot.  NBC did expect it to fail and was surprised when it became a big hit.  How original... live television every Saturday night.  The casting is good, most of the actors bear a resemblance to the original cast members.  The bits and pieces of the sketches they do in rehearsal are still very funny.  While it was nostalgic, most importantly, the movie gives the audience how complicated live television can be, and how talented those young people were in order to make it work so successfully.

And yesterday the Orange Anus had another really bad day.  He was in Chicago to interviewed about his economic policies and... failed in a very public manner.  There are so many snippets of his bad interview to watch.  I do believe he thought this was going to be nothing more than softball questions he could avoid and just bloviate about whatever he wanted.  That was not the case.  My favorite was when he was corrected after calling Governor Newsome,  new scum.  His reaction was to say, "you're the first person to correct me."  Now how big of an Ouch is that.  He was then scolded on air with, "Any CEO of a Fortune 500 company saying that would be terminated immediately."  I'm surprised none of you could hear me laughing.  

Later yesterday evening he had a rally in... Wisconsin, I think, and it went poorly because his brain was still seething.  This is a man who, like the a large number of Republicans, is used to saying "Shut up, I'm in charge."  That is not happening.  His concepts of unformulated plans are being mocked by so many people.  As a result, last evening is standard word salad was run through a meat grinder in front of a live audience.  Does anyone know if that meltdown was televised?


  1. His meltdowns are becoming more common and more odd and demented.
    I await him shitting his diapers one night.

  2. Reagan’s Reaganomics gave us trickle down economics and economic meltdown, Trump’s Trumpachology gives us trickle down insanity and psychiatric meltdown.

    1. Trickle down has been tried 3 times, and 3 times it has failed.

  3. Ohhh Yes.
    Cheeto did as well as expected: his knowledge of how the economy works is non-existent. He thinks he can bullshit econominsts the way he bullshits Faux News. And Laura Ingraham and Hannity lauded his 'performance' because he 'schooled' that guy. Schooled my ass.
    Goddes, is he a wart in the world's behind!


    1. Fox gathered a group of female cultists today so he could prove women liked him. It failed.

  4. That looks like a good movie. I think live TV really shows the calibre of the celebrities. If everything is already scripted for you you can look great, but if you have to think on your feet - well that sorts the men from the boys, doesn't it.

    1. I'm in total agreement with you on the live TV, you mind needs to be lightening quick because things happen.
