
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Jimmy Carter

 October 1's and it's raining... still.  It hasn't stopped for 3 days.  I think everyone in PA is relieved that we're not getting the drenching rains North Carolina had to deal with.  I feel bad for those people down there.  Once again, temps are going to hover in the lower to mid 60s (F).  Tomorrow, our temps will attempt to climb up into the low 70s (F).  That's fine with me.  Turning on the heat is not one of my priorities, so the longer I can wait to do so, the better.  

Speaking of heat, climate change kept the temps here in Central PA fairly warm last winter, and as a result I used less Natural Gas to heat my house.  Because of this, rather than have to make a payment gas bill in September, I had a $63.55 credit.  No payment necessary.  Since I'm on the payment plan, I'm hoping this will drop my monthly charge down to around $70 a month.

I set the trap for the mouse last night and no bites.  

Pete Rose died yesterday.  No loss.  Never liked him.  Charlie Hustle was all about ego.  This is why he had no problem betting either for, or against, the team he was managing.

And Jimmy Carter is 100 today.  He is the oldest living president.  I'm pleased to say that I voted for him.  He has always been resolute in his faith, and in his compassion for his fellow man.  He has become a legend.

America is going to hear quite a lot about Carter today.  There will accolades galore.  He has become synonymous with Habitat for Humanity.  He is a man who came from the obscurity of being a peanut farmer to become president.  His unbridled decency after leaving the presidency is unmatched.  He has set his mark in history that is indelible.  Believe him when he says he's going to live to not only vote for Harris, but see her win the presidency.  

Who will not praise him?  Republicans.  Carter stands for ethics, and values, and morals, all of which Republicans have sold off in their search for greed and power.  One great thing about today?  It will be a flaming dagger into the heart of Donald Trump, because in his dirty heart, he knows America will never, ever talk about him the same as they do Jimmy Carter.


  1. Yay!
    HBD, Jimmy! He's absolutely somebody that deserves accolades. Jabba the Orange is gonna be pissed the new cycle is not gonna be about him and his stunts, of course.

    And the whole climate change thing is biting those Repug states hard. I've seen devastation I've never seen (and I was here for Katrina). Holy shit. Those floods/landslides in the fucking mountains? Terrifying.
    But I was reading of people who were in Florida (!!) and saids it was 'all noise'. All noise my ass. Now they're four feet under water and their Teslas are catching fire.


    1. The exodus will start soon enough from Florida. DeSantis has frozen cancelations for property insurance, so those companies are just going to raise their rates so high no one will be able to pay them.

  2. I know he said he wanted to live long enough to vote for Harris....I hope he lives long enough to see her get elected. After that, I think he's ready to go join his beloved wife. We'll never see another President who's a better human being than Jimmy Carter. He's a credit to America.

    1. He's going to live long enough to vote, and see Harris elected, he might live long enough to see her sworn in.

  3. President Carter, the best of the best !
    A 100 years strong and a great role model :) God bless him on his Birthday !
    🥳 🎉🎂🇺🇸

  4. Jimmy Carter is a wonderful human being and anyone who calls themselves Christian and doesn't live like Jimmy is a liar and a fool and not very Christian at all.

  5. Jimmy Carter should and will be a role model for Presidents when they leave office, and luckily enough to hope to live that long also. He is a good man.

  6. Happy birthday President Carter. A good man indeed!
