
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Side Show Don

 Okay, the weather today is supposed to be spectacular, temps in the low 80s (F), no humidity, and plentiful sunshine.  Sadly, Sunday's are my 8 hour day, so 1030 this morning, I will ensconced behind the flooring desk.  Sometime tonight the floor is going to drop out, taking the temps with it.  The next few days will be chilly willy.

The 8 hours I spent at the store yesterday were uneventful.  I did learn that the registers up front now take tap payments.  I do believe they even take Apple pay.  I found this out by selling flooring to a customer who had her phone rather than a card.  This is very innovative for us.  While everyone else in the world lets you tap your credit card, the great orange retailer I work for still made you shove your card into the card reader.  You have no idea how oddly people would look at me when I told them "sorry, we don't have tap."  I was truly impressed with Greece, where establishment, be it store or restaurant, let you tap your card.  

Howie has learned how to play fetch with a green wiffle ball.  I'm impressed, he's only 9 weeks old.  He also loves the yard.  He has no problem going down the 3 steps from the back door, but can also climb up them.  Here he surveying his new realm.

And I don't know about you, but it seems to me as though the Main Stream Media is finally realizing that a Trump presidency, while rewarding them with millions of clicks daily, would not be in their best interest.  Tax breaks are useless if your business has been shut down.  In an authoritarian government there is only one state TV, and while Trump would love to have every network constantly praising him, he would choose one, and only one, to telecast his greatness.  Take for example the election interference happening between Zitter and the Trump campaign reported by the New York Times.  More and more we're seeing pushback from reporters on quite a number of networks, fact-checking Trump people who are unaccustomed to be called liars on air.  

Finally, I have my on little theory as to why Trump's crowds start leaving so early during his rally.  I'm thinking these aren't really Trumpers.  Nope.  These people are a variation on the rubbernecks to slow down when driving by and accident, or those people who gather around a house fire to watch someone's life burn to the ground.  I suspect so many of them are going for the Side Show because it's free. Once there, they realize that the Freak is only entertaining for a short period of time, say 10 minutes.  After that his clown show gets boring and they start to leave.  This is why his circus tent is only going to be half full at best.  Maybe we ought to start calling him Side Show Don.


  1. That puppy is too cute!!!!!!

    I'm still worried about Kamala Harris winning. I still know too many dems that won't vote for her or on the fence because she will not break with some of Biden's policies especially a ceasefire. Which I think might actually hurt her when it comes to some of those voters in swing states.

    1. Howie thanks you for the compliments.

      If you know Dems who won't or are on the fence, then they're not Democrats. You have 2 choices: you can have Trump and his Supreme Court who will outlaw Same Sex Marriage first, and
      Drag Queen Story hour next, or you can vote for Harris who will keep things the way they are. Maybe you should tell these wishy-washy people to pull their heads out of their frilly asses their very lifestyle will become illegal.

    2. Trust me...I have told them ALL the options....they just don't get it. I don't understand it. No matter what party...if you like your way of life and freedom....the choice should be clear.

  2. My favorite story about why people leave is that they are paid to be there and once the payment hits their cash app, they're out.

    1. I like the one from yesterday's Coachella rally, where they bused people there so they wouldn't leave, and then left them there.

  3. Howie needs ALL the toys and chewies!

  4. Over here tap payments have a limit of €50 (I think), but if you're under that it can be useful!

    1. You can go over 50 in Greece. I bought all the souvenirs I needed at one place and it was quite a bit over that amount.

  5. He goes so long it's like a bad Evangelist Revival, he likes to hear himself talk and very little of what he says now makes any sense at all. Biden's Five Circles, does anyone really know what the Hell he was referring to in that recent rant? I doubt it. His cognitive decline is so extreme and so few are fixating on it like they did with Biden... and they should be... becoz Biden was never a Violence prone Psychopath, he was just Old and had the usual Age related Issues that go along with living into your Octogenarian Years. With Hair Furor, he's a raging Lunatic with the magnification of serious Mental Illness now coupled with Age related deterioration that is pretty evident. He's not fit to make his own good decisions, let alone America's or Global ones.

    1. I know several Republicans who admit he's unfit, but will not vote rather than vote for a Democrat.
