
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, October 14, 2024

It wasn't Coachella

 Well, it's Monday and the new week has begun.  It was 50 (F) when I had Howie out this morning, but the temps are not expected to get much higher.  We're in the beginning of a cool down that's supposed to continue for a few days before we warm up again.  While some of the leaves from the trees around my house have started to fall, they've not yet begun to turn colors.  Even my gingko out front has few leaves that are yellow, of course, being a gingko, it will turn golden one day and the next day all the leaves will fall off.

Work was boring yesterday.  I talked to some people.  That's about it.  Oh, and they paid me to sit at the flooring desk for 8 hours.  Our Christmas decorations are flying out the front door, and believe it or not, several of the trees have been returned because the lights don't work.  Okay, can someone please tell me why you'd be putting up your Christmas tree in October.  I cannot understand why someone would want to clutter up their house for two and a half months before the holiday.  Someone asked me if I decorate and was surprised when I told her "no, I don't decorate for any holidays."  Decorating has never given me a warm fuzzy feeling, besides, I can think of quite a few other things to waste my money on besides decorations.

I made an appointment to have my car inspected on Friday.  Estimated cost: $200.  One of the reasons it so high is because the country I live in requires an emissions test.

And for those who missed it, Trump had a rally a Coachella.  For those who don't know, Coachella has a large music festival that last for several days during the summer.  However, even though his rally stated it was at Coachella, it wasn't on the festival grounds, it was on a nearby farm.  A farm where there was no parking.

All of those people, several thousand, needed to be bused in from the actual parking lot.  20 buses were hired to shuttle them for the 5 mile ride.  It took them quite some time to get those several thousand people to this farm.  Rumor has it that by busing them in, they could begin to leave like so many other people do at his rallies.  And when he was finished bloviating, Donald Trump left, and all of those people who had been bussed in discovered his campaign had only paid for one bus to transport them back to the parking lot.  And there was chaos.  Those cultists failed to believe one of the only truths to come out of Trump's mouth:  he only wants their vote.  He doesn't care about them. They are the people he would fire if they worked for him and got overtime.  I understand quite a few were angry, and as a result, they may not vote for him.  That would be good.  It's about time he learned there is a price for everything.


  1. I noticed our leaves this year seem to be just dropping...but not changing colors. My Dogwood are almost bare already.

    1. Probably because we haven't had any really cold days yet.

  2. The crowd got screwed by a grifter?
    Sorry, not sorry.

    1. And so many Tweets on Zitter on how bad it was have been deleted.

  3. Hahaha
    Oh, the Coachella fiasco. Yes. Cheeto got the photo op and then discarded them. It's who he is. They were trying to blame the city, but it was Cheeto's Cheapo Ways what got them. Tiniest of violins...


  4. While I enjoy seeing my Christmas tree up, I think a week does it for me and I'm always so glad to take it down and "get on with other things" too!

    1. My parents put the tree up a week before Christmas and took it down New Year's Day. That was long enough.
