
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, October 12, 2024


 Today is supposed to be nice and sunny with temps climbing up into the mid 70s (F).  I work this afternoon, so I'll miss out.  Tomorrow our temps are predicted to top out in the mid 80s (F).  Yes, that's right, but sometime during the day payment will be charged and the rain will come in as a cold front passes through.  On Monday, our temps will be stuck in the 50s (F).  I may have to buy more sweat pants.

While working yesterday, I had a woman call to see if we still had a certain type of vinyl plank flooring for sale.  However, there was a slight problem.  She didn't know the name.  She said it was pale in color, but didn't know if it was wood plank or not. In fact, she wasn't certain it was our store.  She did take a picture that didn't give the name, but did include appliances standing in the background.  Yes, we do get calls like this.  She said it was on clearance, and we do have an area for clearance flooring, however nothing in the size (12" x 24") she wanted.  Dealing with uninformed customers can be so difficult at times.

So, the first word Howie is learning is "no."  For him, everything is a chew toy, including my arms, fingers, nose, and chin.  He's especial fond of my toes.  Certain things, especially my body parts, are off limits, other things include my sneakers and the new chair, which is covered with the same drop cloth I used on Biggie and Lily's sofa.  He is allowed to play around with my slippers; I ordered them a size to big so they're now a chew toy.

When our tour was over in Greece, we were all given a can of Grecian honey.  I eat a lot of honey.  It's quite healthy.  Since I had a large jar open already, I chose to finish that first.  I emptied the bottle yesterday.  I can't wait to taste deliciousness.

This presidential election is not the horserace so many media outlets want it to be, but than they're in it for the money, not Democracy.  I'm of the thought that many of them believe Trump is going to lose, so they might as well make their money while he's still campaigning.  Their choosing to not report his insanity has more to do with the idea that they might has well make their hay while the sun shines.  They are using him to line their bank accounts.  He is still going to remain profitable for them after he loses, but the amount of gold dropping into their tight little fists will go down.  Don't think this is unusual for them, profitability has always come before truth, though it's never been this obvious before.

As for the election:  Trump knows he's going to lose.  That's part of the plan... Putin's plan.  The fact that he's had at least 7 unofficial talks with Russia's dictator indicates there is a coordinated plan.  Trump's denial of giving Vlad those Covid testing machines and Moscow's admitting he did is part of the plan.  Trump's goal right now is to create as much chaos as possible.  He is going to create as much inner turmoil in the United States so that Americans focus totally on our own problems, leaving Putin to do as he wants.  Trump doesn't understand that when his usefulness is done, Putin will flush him away like an old turd that's been floating around in the toilet bowl for way too long.  Our job is to make Trump lose so badly his attempted chaos will fail.


  1. Hope DonOLD Fartbutt is practicing his Russian.

    1. I've often wondered if he can speak it, or does he demand every speak Trumpish around him.

  2. I'm here for more Howie pics.....

  3. Trumpy will end up like Putin’s other oligarchs.

    1. I honestly don't think Trump's rich enough for Putin to consider him anything else but a lacky.

  4. Years ago I worked as a Saturday kid in a large shop which mainly sold books and stationery but had also branched out into records. The number of people who would come in and ask if we had a record that went "la-di-da-di-da" was incredible - but very funny! I never knew what they were talking about but many of the young boys did!

    1. We actually get that a lot, people showing us a picture of flooring on the phone and telling us they need another 3 or 4 boxes.
