
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Make Them Riot. Do It.

The clouds are clearing!  We do have a decent amount of fog rolling around the hills, but that's expected to burn off by around 10 AM and then we'll have some sunshine.  Daily temps are predicted to hang around in the mid 70s (F) until Tuesday, then they are supposed to drop back into the 60s (F).  I can deal with that.

Yesterday was one of those days when I felt the need to nap... on and off all day.  I honestly believe it was because we had what?  7 days of rain?  I did get a nice rowing session in.  I'm rowing more and more meters.  Today I want to go for a bike ride before I head off to work.  

I called about getting a puppy yesterday morning and got no return call.  That's not a good thing.  Customer Service is everything.  If someone can't do the courteous thing and call back, even if it's to tell me that there are no longer puppies available, well, that's simply unprofessional as hell.  

And, of course, the chair I ordered was delivered yesterday.  It had been drizzling, then it stopped when the truck arrived, and right after the chair was ensconced (that's your word of the day... ensconced) in my writing room, it began to rain again.  So, I sat in the chair for a bit, and decided I wanted to take a little nap.  Anyway, here's the new chair.

Yesterday the beginning of the October Surprise began falling into place.  In filings released by Judge Chutkin, we now know that on January 6, as an angry mob stormed the Capital, Trump said, "Make them riot.  Do it."  A quick reminder, this is only the beginning of the October Surprise.  Another reminder, we're only hearing about this in October because the Orange Anus and his legal team threw up so many roadblocks in their attempts to shut this down, it wasn't released earlier.  This also means that his meltdowns will accelerate.  Also remember, that he is not so much scared as he is enraged.  I honestly don't think he knows what fear is, just anger, and hatred.

Another also, all of the negativity surrounding Trump is having a positive effect.  Two supporters that I know personally, who have voted straight Republican every day of their lives, have told me they don't think they're going to vote this year.  Both said, in these exact words, "neither one is fit."  Rather than be bold and vote for Harris, they're going to sit home.  And they are not alone.  Many, many Republicans, as the evil of Trump becomes more readily know, will choose to just sit home this election cycle.  They will wait until 2028 before casting another vote.  This is how it was meant to be.  It's why Trump was elected in the first place.


  1. I can't understand the Repug mind.
    No matter how many times people explain that to me, it stll does not make sense. So 'neither is fit'? Bullshit. ONE of them is not fit. And it's the Repug candidate.
    I have been reading around the legalese in that drop and ohh boy. Ketchup IS probably raining in Mar-A-Lardo.
    Love the chair. Seeing that pic, I think it goes with your overall aesthetic. I also like that reading lamp!


    1. The Republican mind has one thought endlessly tracking through it: "shut up! we're in charge!" It turns out that reading lamp is very popular; it matches the desk lamp.

  2. New chair is a perfect fit. Love that lamp too.

  3. Sunshine? What that? I sure hope the dump looses. How can he win with so many things piling and falling around him? And your right....the republicans I know are also sitting home...or voting Harris.

    1. What a joy it is hearing Republicans telling me they're not voting.

  4. In our conservative neighborhood some have put up Kamala Harris campaign signs and there’s not one Trump sign !
    A sign that portends the future, and it’s not in Trump's favor. :)

    1. Yes, the future is not looking Trumpy at al.

  5. You're absolutely right. Customer service is everything (or at least it should be)! Oh and I love that chair. Very classy!
