
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

My Aunt is going to be 90

 Wednesday has arrived.  Sunshine is again in store.  Highs are also predicted to be in the upper 60s (F).  I will have no problem handling today.  They're predicting full-on sunshine for tomorrow.  Temps will be lower, but that's okay.  This is Autumn, after all.  In the coming week temps are supposed to climb back up into the 70s (F).  Days are supposed to be sunny, and all the rain will be staying to the south of us.

I had lunch with my cousin and her husband yesterday.  I was surprised to see they had 2 Trump signs in their yard when I arrived at their house.  I shouldn't  have been.  They're both religious; they had planned to go to Israel but the Hamas attack of October 7 put an end to those plans.  Politics stayed out of the conversation.  She and her husband are both older than me, so any earthly attempt at discussion would have been doomed to failure.

We went to see my aunt Lois, who will be turning 90 on October 19.  She has an apartment in a senior living facility and it's very nice: 4 rooms, including a bathroom with a walk-in shower.  She has a full kitchen with a large serving counter opening into the living room.  We paid $2700 a month for a studio apartment for my mom, so she must be paying at least $6000.  She has some mobility issues, but her mind is still strong.  It's so much fun talking to her, hearing about the past.  We called my great grandmother on my grandmother's side of the family Grandma Lee.  Lois told us that when she and my dad were young, they called her Grandma New York, not only because she lived in New York City, but because her last name kept changing; she seemed to have a habit of marrying and divorcing men.  Whatever wild streak we have running in our family must have come from her.

And yes, my dahlias are still blooming.

And as must be expected, more dirt came out yesterday regarding the Orange Anus.  No one should be surprised if he took top secret British Naval intelligence with him to Mar a Lago, he has never had a problem screwing people, or countries over.  The fact that America was desperate for Covid testing and he secretly sent them to his blow bro Vlad?  No surprise there.  He will try and tear the country apart to please Putin.  He will fail.  Our job is to make sure he doesn't get the chance to run away, he is spinless, after all, and will run.  I don't doubt plans have already been set in place.  I suspect he already knows he's going to lose.  His job is not to win, but to create chaos.  Putin will reward him for the disruption he's going to cause.  This is why he can't run away.  He needs to pay the consequences.


  1. Grifters gonna grift and anyone who thought he wasn't or wouldn't or didn't is a fool

    1. And there are so many fools in this country.

  2. That dahlia is so beautiful, I love the color!

    I'm still filled with anxiety when I think of the election. Surely, voters won't be stupid enough to elect that....creature...again, but nothing would surprise me anymore. I'll be so glad when it's over (if Harris wins).

    1. I think we're all going to be a little anxious until he's gone.

  3. OMG love the story with your aunt!
    And it's EXPENSIVE living in one of those places. Darn.
    As for your cousin, you said 'religulous' and I knew. Their cognitive dissonance is strong. Nothing to do there.
    And Cheeto giving stuff to Vlad? LOL. Vlad KNOWS what Cheeto has done for decades. He's a puppet.


    1. Yeah, my cousin doesn't like Halloween either. Figures.

  4. I loved that the dump denied sending covid tests to Vlad, yet Vlad threw him under the bus and said yes, the dump did indeed send the test. Trump...what a tool.

    Seems we both have vital family in their 90's!

    1. Most people think they were the cardboard kits, they weren't, they were little computers about the size of a toaster.

  5. $6,000 per month??? Dear god alive! My friend's dad is in a home in England and they're paying around £8,000 a month! Holy shit!

    1. It's an assisted living facility, so the more assistance she needs, the more expensive it's going to get. Her daughter just tried to move her and found out how financially complicated that was, so she's staying where she is.
