
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Puppy in a Box

 Friday morning and it's 39 (F) outside, that's getting close to 0 in Celsius.  Don't worry, we're going to be warming up over the next few days.  Then another cool down will hit us, though are low temps are not supposed to go below 40 (F), which is still close to 0 in Celsius.  I think that there are times when the temperature looks better in Fahrenheit than in Celsius. 

Yesterday turned out to be a blah day, not much accomplished.  I think it's because there's a puppy in the house.  Howie goes outside quite frequently.  We're in the house training stage of puppydom.  This morning we were up at 0500 in order for him to do his business outside.  Mission accomplished.  He's actually younger than I thought.  I looked through his papers and he'll be 2 months on on October 12.  He was evidently crate trained, too.  The big box I brought him home in is set up to the new chair with a blanket inside.  When he gets tired, he goes and lays in the box.  When I'm upstairs and he's downstairs, he goes and lays in the box.  As long as he's happy. 

I had a problem with one of the LED lights in my range hood and clicked on the "Contact Seller" button on Amazon.  I filled out the form, and clicked the submit button.  However, instead of going to Vesta, the form went to Squarespace, which forwarded that form to Vesta and charged me $30 plus tax.  I complained to both my credit card company, and to Amazon, and now there are 2 fraud active fraud investigations as to how this happened.  Vesta claims ignorance, but I'm fairly positive that their page was set up to go through Squarespace right from the beginning.

And as the election gets closer, Trump is becoming more extreme.  I liked the bit about how he's going to let people deduct the interest on their car payments from their income tax.  His cultists believe he's capable of doing this.  He's not.  But then a number of them think he was sent by God.  They don't understand that he's taking a blunt ax to Christianity in order to save his ass.  Believe me, if Christians thought the Great Dechurching was a problem before Trump, wait until they see what happens to their religion after he's gone.


  1. With that sweet puppy in the house I wouldn’t get a single thing done all day! He is adorable. Those eyes! The puppy paws! How much will he weigh full grown?

  2. Cute little face on that Howie.

  3. OMG that photo IS the definition of Puppy Eyes.
    And you know DonOLD is going to lie, lie, lie. 98% of the things he says he's going to 'do' are lies and also, why didn't he do that BEFORE, like when he was president?
    Also, did you see that yesterday he called Detroit basically a shithole while IN DETROIT? And he also audibly farted while giving that speech. Classy.


    1. I'll take your vote on the fart. And puppy eyes can be deceiving.

  4. Omg!!!!! All my comment will be about Howie!!!! Too cute for words. Seeing those paws...he is going to be a nice size. And his breed is a good to take walks with.

    1. Everybody's so smitten with Howie, they forget that I will be a teething toy for the next few months.

  5. Aah he's so sweet. Sounds like you got him from a good dealer too!

    1. He was a young guy. I did meet the puppy's grandmother, who sidled up to me, gave me a sniff, and found me boring, so she walked away.
