
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, September 12, 2024


 Hello from Delphi!  We had showers when we left from Olympia, I even snapped a pic of a rainbow out the window of our bus, but by the time we arrived at our destination point, it was sunny and hot.  While I've grown use to sunny and hot weather, if I ever do decide to buy a 2nd home here, it would be in the north where winters are cool.

For those who don't know, Delphi is located on the side of Mount Parnassus... literally.  There are only 3 streets running through the town, and instead of side streets there are staircases.  I will definitely need to revisit Chapter 2.  The Delphi I was picturing was more of a level playing field, not a town sloping steeply up a hill.  Of course, that's just a minor issue.  The bigger problem I have is with the floor of Apollo's temple.  It's not exactly smooth.  So, tell me, if you were going to stab someone to death in the temple, would you do it in the front, or perhaps closer to the rear. There will be blood, stabbing wounds always have blood, and because the victim isn't that tall, it doesn't need to be a big area, but it does need to be level.

One myth that needs to be dispelled is that all Greek statues are white marble.  The truth is that ancient Greeks loved color and everything was painted, even their statues.  They wanted to make them as lifelike as possible.  Here's a pic where you can see some of the original paint.

And here's some original Greek music.

And for those needing it, here's some gratuitous Greek nudity.  It is important to note that Greek politicians and important people were clothed, only the athletes were naked.

And for those interested, there are eleven people on this tour, from the UK, from New Zealand, from Australia, and California, and everyone is laughing at Donald Trump.  He truly is a joke to the world.

Also, this will probably be my last entry until I get back to the states. Though, if I get bored waiting for my next flight at Heathrow, I might pull out my laptop and jot down a few lines....

Nah, that ain't gonna happen.



  1. Why does the floor have to be flat in order to stab someone - does the blood have to run somewhere?

    1. I was thinking it would be nice to have the victim lying in a pool of blood, but that's not essential.

  2. Well, the athletes and NOT the politicians should be nude ... I mean, DonOLD naked?? 🤮🤮

  3. Getting ready to come home already ?
    Time flies, it seems you just got there.
    The athletes were probably the only ones worthy to be nude in Ancient Greece. 🏛️🏺🇬🇷
    Glad to hear your fellow travelers find Trump to be a joke. :)

    1. My choice only because I only booked for 13 days.
