
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, September 20, 2024


 The outside temps were 56 (F), 13 (C), this morning when I woke up.  Today is the last day they're predicting we hit the mid 80s, after that it looks like we're going to start the down hill slide into Autumn.  Daily highs next week are only supposed to be  in the low 60s (F).

The new chair I purchased will be arriving on October 2.  When it arrives, the writing room will be complete.  The most difficult thing to do so far was set the delivery date.  This was because for some dastardly reason the store has me scheduled for way too many hours.  Next week it's 32 with only 2 days off.  That is so much more than what I want.  The only reason I continue working is because I know I'd turn into a slug if something wasn't getting me out of the house. 

My cold is still hanging on.  Crap.  For me, a cold usually last 2 or 3 days; always a runny nose and nothing else.  With this one I'm coughing (dry cough), and I'm still having nasal drainage (didn't I say that nice).  The last time I can remember having a cold this bad was back when I still lived in the apartment, and that was over 30 years ago.

I went to see Beetlejuice last evening (even with the cold).  The story turns out to be rather interesting as 3 generations of the Deetz family return to the ghost house for... a funeral, though I have to admit, I was looking forward to the afterlife segments more than anything, and they are tops.  Michael Keaton's Beeltejuice has aged quite well, so I'd give it a Thumbs Up.  My only criticism is that the song MacArthur Park is used in a segment and you really have to be of a certain age to appreciate how it's used.  I don't think younger people are going to get the references.  Anyway, here's the trailer.

And of course... Hahahah, Mark Robinson, the large, bigoted pastor, minister, or whatever you want to call him, had his campaign rocked by scandal yesterday.  Let's see, among other things, he referred to himself as a Black Nazi (ouch), and evidently used to enjoy watching transgender people have sex on a black, porn website.  Of course, he's staying in the race because... it turns out yesterday was really the last day he had to withdraw and ballots had already been printed.  How timely!  To be fair, he was already polling far behind the Democrat running for governor, so this was just the icing on the cake, so to speak.  He's earned this bad Karma, I hope he's enjoying it.


  1. Robinson is the pig of pigs, the most vile human, a hate-filled lying faux Christian POS.

  2. Ohhh
    I do want to go see Beetlejuice now! And would that be the Donna Summer version or the Cats version of McArthur's park? That cake in the rain changes depending on who sings it.

    As for North Carolina, WHO is surprised? It's always the Repug. And that's on top of haunting the video booths is a sex shop, right???

    Also, there was Olivia Nunn, RFK, Matt Gaetz and Rufo. It was a THURSDAY.


    1. It was the Richard Harris version from 1968, which you've probably never heard of.

  3. Ahhh
    Yes! Went to see it. Loved it. And they play Donna’s version at the beginning and during credits! I danced in the aisle!



  4. Sorry to hear you're still not 100%. Would you consider the "origano oil cure" - well it worked for me and I reckon Amazon could have it to you in 24 hours. It was more the cough that bothered me but 2 drops of it in a little warm water really helped me. Not the 5 drops they talked about as that nearly blew my head off. You could give it a try. At worst you'll lose a couple of $$$$. Take care!

    1. My sister gave me Benadryl, she can't take it, and that seems to have dried things up. I'm beginning to think it might be allergies.
