
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 Today we hit the archeological site of Olympia, home of the first Olympic games.  When we left Pylos it was raining, and right from the beginning people were wondering what the weather was going to be like in Olympia.  Will it be raining? they asked.  We stopped for coffee and cookies (I bought 3.  They were delicious.) and someone asked, "what time does the rain start in Olympia?" And I said, it's not going to rain.  The weather was nice and sunny.  After touring the museum, our tour guide walked us through Olympia, itself, she glanced at a cloud in the sky and said, "you may want to hurry before it starts to rain," and I said, "it's not going to rain."  Later, I reminded Christos, our tour leader that I'd told him it wasn't going to rain.  😎😎😎

I learned so much today:  gym, as in gymnasium and gymnastics comes from the Greek word meaning naked.  Doesn't that add a spin to what that pommel horse guy did in this past summer's Olympics?  Stadium comes from Greek word meaning "to stand."  The stadium in Olympia could hold 45,000 men (no women) standing.  Just imagine that many men standing there, watching sports for the entire day, I'm betting whoever had the wine bar concession made out like bandits.

Seriously, seeing the statuary in the museum was enough to make me tear up.  The only words I could say were "Oh, my Gosh!"

Let's start off with Hermes, whose sculptor used leather and fine grit to give him his sheen.

And then we have the statues lining the top and front of Zeus's temple, the largest in all of Greece with just the columns 13 meters high (and yes, I did use meters, since that's what the rest of the world uses).

And this is Apollo, we'll get to meet him in Delphi.

And this is what the entire thing looks like.

There was a debate last night and evidently Kamala Harris wiped up the floor with Don. While I didn't watch any of it, from what I've read, Donnie boy did not do well with getting fact checked, but then liars never do.  

Even better, while Donnie's singing "Don't nobody bring me no bad news," Taylor Swift endorsed Harris.  Now, I now know some of you don't like Taylor, but let's be honest 30 million Swifties going to the ballot box is something the Republican party never, ever dreamed of.  Trump's Karma is comin' at him full speed ahead.


  1. I LOVE those statues. Is that a centaur I can make out in the one shot??? Just stunning!

    1. Yes, it is a centaur. The long pic depicts a fight between gods and drunken centaurs.

  2. The statutes are gorgeous, but then, you know, nekkid men.

    Kamala won the minute she said people leave his rallies before they end because of boredom ... and cue meltdown.

    1. She clicked all the right buttons. Simply wonderful.

  3. I know you're on a wonderful vacation, but you missed a treat by not watching the debate! I popped popcorn and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Donald Dump was ranting and raving about immigrants eating dogs and cats (!!) and then another time he said Kamala was going to let immigrants in to get free sex change operations LOL!!!!! Unhinged doesn't even begin to describe him.

    1. I saw the clip where he was talking about eating cats and dogs, and not only was she laughing, but you could hear the moderators laughing as well.

  4. Olympia is one of the great archaeological sites in Greece and it’s hard to believe they built everything without modern day machinery.
    The sculptures are superb and larger than expected.
    Kamala k’od Trump. Trump needs to eat , what was it that Rush Limbaugh called it ? Oh yes !, pablum. Lots and lots of pablum. :) -Rj

  5. Oh, gorge!!!
    Those statues! EVERYBODY looks less beautiful in comparison. What an awesome vacay.

    And yes, Kamala literally swept the floor with Cheeto's hairplugs. He was LIVID. Oh, you should have seen his face. That woman laughed in his FACE.
    Now, the conspiracy theories to explain why he did so bad? You'll have a ball.
    And I want a Swiftie friendship bracelet with Harrys/Walz in it...

