
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Things Happen at the Tholos

 Today is my first day off and rain is in the forecast.  We had a steady, drizzling rain all day yesterday, and the forecasters are saying it will hang around until Thursday.  Temps are cool, but not cold, the perfect weather for sweat pants and sweat shirts; comfy clothing, you know?  While I truly love the shorts and T-shirts of summer, I also love the comfy sweats of autumn.  

My cold is beginning to dry up.  I'm still taking Benadryl, but only when needed, which is not too often.  From what people have been telling me, this nasally, sneezy, coughing thing is going around and quite a number of people are suffering through the symptoms.  I'm so glad it showed when I got back to the states rather than back in Greece, that would have, to be perfectly honest, pissed me off a lot.  Katie, the wife of the quiet policeman, had to deal with one through out most of our journey down the Peloponnese.  In Delphi, they were in the room next to mine and she coughed through most of the night; I felt so bad for her.

Cori, my cover artist, has the updated notes on the artwork for The Body in History.  Some major changes took place, the biggest being the setting.  It turned out that the original art was focused around the Tholos of Athena and not Apollo's Temple.   Well, that's fixed.  Now, all you have to do is wait 8 months for the reveal.  For those interested, this is the Tholos of Athena and it's located almost a mile away from the temple.  Do not despair though, things do happen at the Tholos.

Trump had some sort of Q & A with a couple of farmers from Pennsylvania yesterday during which he said he was going to put tariffs of 200% on John Deere tractors and they applauded and cheered because... well, they were no doubt paid to do so.  They obviously don't understand tariffs increase the customer cost, they don't reduce it.  Tariffs do not force manufacturers to reduce their prices, this is something MAGA cultists simply don't understand.  Trump preys upon their ignorance.

Finally, think about this:  Everything Trump touches dies.  Someone should have told the Evangelicals.


  1. MAGAts believe whatever he says and you cannot change their minds; the cult is real ... real stupid.

    1. They also believe they make up the vast majority of Americans.... Hahahaha

  2. Hahaha
    Of course the rubes do not understand tariffs. And John Deere should be PISSED with Cheeto.
    The face eating tiger is eating faces.
    And gray sweatpants weather is my fav weather. Yes. Love that.
    So we should expect things happening at Tholos, huh?


  3. The Tholos of Athena would be a good place for open air Greek tragedy performances. :)
    Corporate America supports Trump even when he pisses on them with his talks of tariffs, which will take a big hit at their bottom lines. -Rj
