
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

To the Lighthouse

 Good morning, from Gythio, Greece.  If the weather forecasts are correct, we will have a break from our temps in the mid 90s (F) 20s (C).  But only for today on our ride to Pylos.  Tomorrow we will back to normal late summer temps.

Before I left for this adventure, several people told me to start packing so I wouldn't forget anything.  And me, if you know me, said that was not necessary, that I wouldn't forget anything.  Well, I have to admit that I did forget one thing.  My comb.  Holy Crap!  One of life's essentials.  So, here I am raking my fingers through my hair trying to look somewhat presentable and the only thing I can think of saying is, to quote Eli Zinneman/Myers, "Shit."

Yesterday we had a hike to the lighthouse on Cape Tenaro, after hitting Girolimenas and the fortified city of Vathia.  The latter was interesting because there was a church with signs of the zodiac on the outside.

After Vathia, we had an interesting bus ride over very narrows roads and around sharp, hairpin curves until we reached the Cape for our hike.  Well, to be honest, it was more of a trek along a rocky path.  According to Garmin, I had a vigorous workout.  What stuck out in my head more than anything was that 2000 years ago, it wouldn't have been any easier, and yet they had the fortitude to build a lighthouse at the tip of the cape, the southernmost tip of Europe.  Being honest, those men building the lighthouse would have been younger than I, but on the other hand, they would have been wearing sandals rather than nice, well-fitting running shoes.

One of the true standouts was the Roman mosaic we saw on our hike.  At one time, there had been a statue of Poseidon, now there is just intricate tile work.  What an amazing thing to see.

After the hike, we stopped off for lunch and a swim at a beach.  Well, some went swimming, I paddled my feet.  This beach was so nice, and not at all what Americans think of when they think of beaches.  I could spend days there.


  1. Ha, now I'm picturing you in a toga, sandals and unkempt hair!!! I've been to many Greek islands but never the mainland. Might have to update my bucket list as it looks wonderful!

    1. Sandals wouldn't be good for where we've been trekking, in fact the other day I was wondering how they survived wearing only sandals since none of the paths we've been on have been smooth going.

  2. The beach is stunning.

    On the comb front, I don't even own a comb; I have finger tousled hair daily and it is what it is!

    1. Our Tour Leader, Christos, said there are cold springs feeding into the inlet on the far side, I didn't check them out.

  3. Nice to hear from you and see the pics. Looks gorgeous there.

  4. I can agree about the beaches. In Europe, South America and the Italian Riveria the beaches are so much stunning than US beaches Love the pictures!

    My brother-in-law asked if you'd seen the Acropolis Museum yet? One of the best.

    1. I'm thinking of trying to hit that museum on Friday, before I leave.

  5. A good pair of shoes is a must in Greece because of the terrain, and bus rides can be a trip on the Greek roads and highways. The beaches are stunning and the water clear as in your photo. How’s the food so far ? You won’t get famished in Greece.
