
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, September 23, 2024

The Group

 Monday is going to be a chilly one here in Central Pa, with temperatures sitting in the mid 60s (F).  We will be warming up into the 70s (F) for the rest of the week, but today's going to be a cool one.  I'm fine with that.

Yesterday was the last day for our Success Sharing bonus celebration.  The big orange retailer I worked for popped a nice little bonus into my bank account, additional funds are always accepted with a smile.  They did, however, screw up my vacation during my time in Greece.  As as result, they're paying me for 56 hours during what was a 40 hour work week instead of the 24 hours that I had requested.  This means that on Friday there is going to be another very healthy deposit into my bank account.  

I also have to work today for a full 8 hours.  I am not excited.  They have me scheduled for 32 hours this week, and I am definitely not excited for that.  Sadly, my sales are great for a part-timer and if I were full time, I'd be trouncing the other full timers, so they give me more hours.  I went in yesterday and cut my availability in half, and I may cut it even more.  

On our tour through Greece, there were eleven members in our group:5 from the UK, 1 from New Zealand, 2 from Australia, 2 from California, and myself.  We took a number of groupies (selfies but with a group) but this is the only one in which we posed.  There was a quiet police officer and his wife (who had a terrible cold), a retired military man and his wife, who was a retired Head Mistress, a couple who ran a very successful business, and I have no idea what Tim had done for a living, but he always wore blue.  You have no idea how often I looked around myself and thought, "gee, this is the perfect cast for an Agatha Christie mystery, I sure hope no one dies."

And Janet Jackson has sort of recanted her apology for say she didn't think Kamala Harris was black.  It evidently came from a member of her team who wasn't her manager.  In fact, it turns out to have been one of her publicists who has since been fired.  In case you hadn't guessed it yet, Janet is sticking to her story that Kamala Harris isn't black. I do believe she suffers from the same entitlement curse as her brother Michael, out of touch from the real world and surrounded by yeah sayers who will happily agree with whatever it is she says.  I do think it's time for her and Beyonce to have a "conversation."  


  1. Janet needs to take Control over her mouth, and her mouthpieces.

    1. Even though they've denied it, both she and Michael had surgery to make them look white.

  2. Like I give two flying figs what Janet Jackson thinks. She must be more ignorant than I though.

    I do believe your still glowing from your trip. A murder mystery? could write it toots!

    1. The trip was great. And Janet's used to people saying yes to whatever she wants.

  3. Ohh love the pic!
    Good times. And Janet apparently follows Randy Jackson's advice (he's a Trumper and QAnon fanatic). She did put her foot in her mouth, though.... Sorry Miss Jackson. You're not for real.


    1. I'd heard Randy was wacked. Perhaps if she hadn't had all those surgeries to make her look less African American she might think differently.

    2. And we know Michael and LaToya must have had issues with being black...hence their drastic produces with surgeries and skin bleaching. Sad they couldn't embrace their ethnicity, history and community.

  4. You're absolutely right - that group would make a wonderful cast for an Agatha Christie movie. I'll add in Miserable Pete from Sri Lanka - who hated dark skinned people and rice!

    1. Why would you go to Sri Lanka if you didn't like people of color and rice? Did he have any idea of who lives there?
