
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Process This

We had a drizzly day yesterday.  Temps were comfortably cool.  Today they're going to warm up, climbing up to around 84(F), or 29 (C).  Sunny is on the forecast as well, so my first load of laundry is in the washer.  I have off both today and tomorrow, and I'm going to enjoy them.

My late summer cold is still hanging around.  It's not as bad as it could have been, but, seeing that I haven't had a cold in around 20 years, I calling it... somewhat bad.  Very little coughing.  A runny nose.  While I was at the store yesterday to buy milk, I bought some Sudafed to help with my draining sinuses.  Honestly, the only thing I think it did do was keep me from operating heavy equipment. 

I have not ridden the bike, or rowed, or even been on the treadmill since I got back from Greece.  I need to change that.  Perhaps I'll begin to get back into the swing of things by mowing the lawn this afternoon.  One thing I admired about Greece was that most people didn't have lawns, they had olive trees.  I could live with that.  And that does remind me of an amusing moment.  Driving through grove after grove of olive trees, a member of our group said that with all of these trees, she didn't see any processing plants, even though we had passed by a number of them.  She didn't understand that because you only begin harvesting olives in December, there was no need to staff the plants during the off season.  

So, the Teamsters, one of the largest unions in the United States released a statement yesterday saying they were not going to be endorsing either Trump or Harris.  This is the first time this has happened in decades.  The president of the Teamsters, Sean something or other, showed up and gave a small speech at the Republican convention.  For those who don't know what a red flag is, that was a red flag.  One of the things Sean sort of let slip out was that most of the Teamsters supported Trump.  For me, that sounded like a gender issue rather than anything else, since these burly men who drive trucks would feel more comfortable with one of their own gender in the White House.  However, shortly after Sean released his statement, state Teamster Unions began endorsing Harris:  California, Hawaii, Michigan, Iowa to name a few.  Evidently, Sean something or other's statement had been misleading.  And now I'm hearing whispers that his job as President of the Teamsters is not as safe and secure as he might have once thought.  There's also speculation that his presence at the Republican convention might have been bought and paid for.  Ouch!


  1. The Felon seemed to misunderstand the statement and at first suggested the Teamsters had endorsed him. When corrected he shrugged it off because ... loser.

    1. He thinks O'Brien is going to bring home the votes, he ain't.

  2. Oh, the state Teamsters Unions endorsing Kamala directly? *chef's kiss*
    And I'd LOVE to have an olive tree. They're super expensive.
    Did you get a tan?


    1. Are they expensive? I don't know. I'll have to find out.

  3. Nothing new for the Teamsters, big supporters of union busters Nixon and Reagan. They’re their own worst enemy, wait til the Repugs eventually put their union on the chopping block after they have served their purpose. -Rj

    1. Especially Reagan after the air controllers went on strike. He set the tone for many years to come.

  4. I could totally see a garden full of just olive trees as I love them, but while they sell them here I don't see them getting through our winters! Just think, no more mowing! Oh and I hope you feel better soon. Airplane air and jet lag might have something to do with it, don't you think!

    1. I'm positive you're right about the flight back. Maybe I'll just buy a house in Greece, that would simplify the olive issue.
